View Full Version : Doctors Today

03-06-08, 12:28
I went to my doctors appointment this morning and told her exactly what my symptoms and worries are finally. She took a full blood count and asked me to go for an xray on my shoulder and knee. The outpatients is about 10 minutes drive away from me and I knew if I didn't go straight there and then I'd talk myself out of it and not go at all. I had my 2 xrays done and she told me to wait in the waiting room so she could make sure they came out alright. After 5 minutes sitting panicking she came back out and told me I had to have the shoulder one taken again as it came out too dark. So we did the shoulder one again but whats worrying me is this time she didnt tell me to wait to see if it came out ok????? she told me I could go and my doctor would get the results. Does this mean she saw something on the first one and wanted another to be sure?? I know the next few days for me are going to be a nightmare waiting on the phone ringing and hearing the doctors voice :weep: It took a helluva lot of courage for me to get the blood tests done and also the xrays so why can't I stop self diagnosing these tests surely after 12 years with health anxiety I should know better by now. Sorry for the rant :hugs: xxx

03-06-08, 12:35
No it doesn't mean that, it means that the first one came out too dark and the second one was OK.

The radiographer takes the x-rays it is the radiologist that reads them.

Perhaps with the first one the setting wasn't quite right so she altered it. Do not worry needlessly. What is wrong with you shoulder and knee?

03-06-08, 12:38
Hi Trixie,

I've had a lot of pain in both my shoulder and knee for a long time now and a doctor diagnosed arthritis. But this doctor today maybe thinks rheumotoid arthritis might be present and she said the xrays would rule that out.

Pink Panic
03-06-08, 12:39
Hi Mandy,

Just to reassure you .... i'm nearly positive that x rays are checked initially by a radiographer who would notify your Doc or you if there was anything that required immediate attention. I know that when i had a MRI Scan i was terrified that they would find something untoward and was told that if they do then you find out very quickly.

I think all us anx people tend to catastrophise as that's part of our problem but "normal" people even worry about tests like these as well .... it's all part of being human.

All the best with your results hun :hugs:


03-06-08, 12:44
Hi Mandy,

Firstly A HUGE http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_30_118.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)for going.

Try not to worry hunni. I had a liver scan the other week and they wouldn't tell me anything I had to book an appointment with the Dr to get the results. I went to the Docs a week later and all was ok. I'm sure it will be ok sweetie.

Try to put it to the back of your mind if you can for now I know tis difficult. Sending you http://www.waccobb.net/forums/waccobb/Images%20for%20Members/Positive-Thoughts.jpg

and BIGhttp://img.impimages.com/hugs/50.gif

Take Care,

Love & Wishes,:hugs:

Pip's X X X X

03-06-08, 14:24
Yep deffo don't read things into to things - I had to go back and have a 2nd view of my boob done because the 1st one wasn't right in Jan and then had to wait another 2 weeks to hear everything was fine.

Big hugs Mand sausage :hugs: for being well brave and very proactive - well done!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-06-08, 14:39

The hospital always send the x-ray results to the doc hun unless it's something you have had to go to A & E for.

Honestly hun it's totaly normal so quit worrying and come help me out with me neighbours!! :winks:

Loads of love

03-06-08, 14:51
Hiya hunny
I just wanted to say A HUGE WELL DONE GOING---I know from having an X ray myself(chest) last December how frightening it can be to us HA sufferers!!
Firstly, I had mine done and she made me wait for about 5 mins(it seemed like an hour!!) whilst she checked it. I was soooo worried. She then said it seemed ok(uuuuuuuuhhhhh I was like i suffer HA so pleased dont freak me out!!!) but to contact my Doctor in 10 days for the results. I asked her if she could see anything and she just kept saying well it seems ok!!!It was fine but hey they dont help by making you wait sooooo long!!!
You will be absolutely fine hun-----please try not to worry.

03-06-08, 17:27
Hi Mandy,

I just wanted to say a big well done for going through all that today as I know how hard it must have been. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: As the others have said, try not to read too much into things as I'm sure there's an innocent explanation. Try and keep busy which will help take your mind off it and don't beat yourself up. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Take care,

Mike x

05-06-08, 07:29
Hi Trixie,

I've had a lot of pain in both my shoulder and knee for a long time now and a doctor diagnosed arthritis. But this doctor today maybe thinks rheumotoid arthritis might be present and she said the xrays would rule that out.

Well when the results come through you will know for certain.

Please do not worry I have been in a similar situation with my neck the first one was iffy so she called me back in from the changing cubicle but after taking the second one and not even waiting for it to be developed, she told me I could go.:yesyes:

05-06-08, 20:36
I am sure you will be fine and that she didn't ask you to wait because she knew the 2nd one would be ok.

Honestly do not worry, I know its hard waiting for test results, I hate it.


06-06-08, 11:35
Just to let you lovely people know I got my full blood count results back and all is ok with those :yesyes: Now just xrays to go. Thanks for all your support guys :hugs: :hugs: xxxx

06-06-08, 12:02
:hugs: :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

06-06-08, 12:13
Mandy you're a star. Well done for sticking with the process :yesyes:

06-06-08, 20:41
That's fantastic news, Mandy and a huge weight off your mind I bet. I'm sure the xrays will be fine too. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Take care,

Mike x

07-06-08, 04:06
:bighug1: Mandy,

Sorry just saw this tonight. So glad the blood tests came out alright. I almost always have to have x-rays done over and it is usually done because my position was wrong. They never tell me that the 2nd time is okay because they just don't think to say it. Just know that it is ok because they did not have to do another one. If something was terribly wrong the doctor would have contacted you by now. If it is arthritis, osteo or rhematoid, your doctor will help treat it. I was diagnosed, by x-ray, for osteo-arthritis. I know it is so hard to wait but bravo to you for getting all the tests run so you will know what is going on.

Love and many hugs,


07-06-08, 08:20
Glad the bloods came back ok, 1 down and 1 to go. I am sure you will be fine. The trouble with HA is that we always read into things that 99.99999% of the time are not there, these people usually don't know we have HA and the odd comment can send us spiraling out of control. I agree that there probably was a setting or something wrong with xray, who knows they might have even left the cap on lol.

try to think positive and remember the arcade when you need distracting, it works wonders for me.:hugs: