View Full Version : Just a thought!

03-06-08, 13:21
I wondered some time ago (in my fantasy world) wouldn't it be nice if one day all of us on this site were to attend a party for the benefit of us!

This is in no way meant as an offence to anyone who suffers from whaterver form of Anxiety just a light hearted thought which I hope will just bring a smile to a few faces.

Can you imagine the scene.

The Claustrophobics would all be standing outside.......whatever the weather.

The Agorophobics would all be standing inside......if they turned up.

The Hypochondriacs wouldn't eat anything for fear of being ill.

There would be a constant supply of ambulances waiting in the car park for the regular trips to A and E.

The washrooms would all be constantly occupied for obvious reasons.

The lighting would have to be dimmed and the music would have to be quietened because of our increased sensitivity.

No of us would drink alchohol because of our medication.

All of us with poor body image problems would think that everyone was looking at us.

No one would be dancing for fear of making a fool of themselves.

The list is endless.
But I guarentee one thing, After an hour or so. Everyone would have relaxed, be talking and dancing and laughing and even joking about our problems. What a great party it would be! Probably the best!

As I say, just a thought from my fantasy world, but a good one. We can but dream.

Once again, this is not intended to offend or poke fun at anyone suffering from any of the above (which I am one). Just a thought.


03-06-08, 13:26
That made me laugh out loud, especially the bit about the ambulances waiting outside! It sounds like fun though... don't forget to invite me...

03-06-08, 13:51
Yep deffo made me smile too :D and like you said, I too think if such a party ever went ahead, then I'm sure it would be a success, one of the best ever, because each and everyone of us, would know that in our own ways...we all know how the others are feeling.

Please, please, please, don't forget my invite :winks:


03-06-08, 14:00
:roflmao: that did make me giggle, send me an invite :D

03-06-08, 22:34
I like the sound of that party, can I come too?

Your fantasy world seems like a great place to be

04-06-08, 00:18

I am in work at the moment and thankfully nobody is around to here my laughter.
That was sooooo funny, the best laugh ive had for days, Thank You.xx


Cathy V
04-06-08, 00:23
Brilliant, count me in too....now if i could just get on that plane:shrug:

Cathy xxx :)

04-06-08, 14:50
Haha Dat was Funii As

Plz Invitee Me :D xxx

04-06-08, 14:58
Sounds like the party of all parties, you have made me laugh so much!!! :roflmao:
However, you forgot the health phobes who would constantly be checking each others blood pressure and those having panic attacks 'looking' like their dancing on the dance floor!:madness:!!!!! (thats me included!)
Sounds like the only sort of party id like to attend at the moment though.
Lets rock on!!!!!
XXXXXX :sign20:

04-06-08, 15:01
Brilliant, love it count me in!

Stefan P
04-06-08, 15:28
You also forgot the agoraphobics who wouldn't be able to come out of our comfort zone to attend! Maybe we can have a video link or something ... :D

Good post, made me laugh !

04-06-08, 15:40
This really made me smile - count me in

milly jones
04-06-08, 18:12
charlie pmed me this cos she thought it was sooo funny

thanks, id love to come too, provided i can wear a bag on my head and you provided a zip for my mouth,

milly xx

04-06-08, 18:49
Now I'd be there with bells on for a party like that!!!!
Not offensive at all!
It's great to be able to share a laugh with everyone!

By the way -
I'm not on meds so I'll be the liquored up one dancing on the table with the lampshade on my head!!!
Oh and if you miss all that just listen for my trademark yelling of ...

04-06-08, 21:02
How funny, i needed a good laugh today

love mandie x

04-06-08, 21:15
Made me laugh reading that can just imagine it but I think it would be great fun I would love and invite.
