View Full Version : Feel so exhausted.

13-04-05, 11:00
Hello everyone,

After my long, hard weekend, I think i have worn myself out. I feel completely exhausted.
I am so weak and dizzy and the dp is really bad. Can tiredness be doing this?
I have butterflies in my tummy and feel really sick.
Im just wondering whether its anxiety from tiredness or Im coming down with a bug or something.
I know I find it hard to rationalise and cope when Im tired, so this might be the reason.
I seem to get tired so easily nowadays.

Thats my moan over.
Sorry if Iv put anyone on a downer.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

13-04-05, 11:17
Hi jude,

can u not go for a lie dowm for an hour i quite often do that not that i would admit it to my hubby lol, i think it does take it ouof you when you have been so busy then u stop, it hits you then, my advice go have a lie down read a few pages of a book, just relax and dont worry about it,

hope you feel better later on xxx

kairen x

13-04-05, 11:38
Hi Jude

Sorry to hear you are feeling bad. It may just be tiredness- i always feel worse when i haven't had enough sleep and also your bodies defences get low so you may catch a little bug. Feel free to pm or email me if you want someone to talk to about it


13-04-05, 11:46
Hi Jude hunny

It is probably just aftershock - you would have used a lot of energy getting through the weekend and that does make you tired. Mr A is creeping in because you are tired - that is all.

Ease up a bit today, take a long hot bath with a good book ar trash magazine allow your system a moment to catch up.

You'll soon be back up there[^]

13-04-05, 12:26
i find that after i have had a busy time i feel exhausted were as i always used to have loads of energy...
but i think fighting with the problems we have make things twice as difficult and far more tired...
i agree with everyone take some time out today... i think it will make you feel much better...
mr "A" and mr "P" like to visit much more when we are tired...
hope you feel better soon

13-04-05, 12:28
Hi Jude
I know how you feel hun. I worked all last week and had a stressful weekend and yesterday and today feel so tired and spaced out. I'm sure its all to do with anxiety.
Definately take some time out for yourself, even if you can't sleep maybe watch a bit of tv for an hour or read a book.
I'm sure you'll start to feel a bit better tomorrow.
Take care

13-04-05, 12:33
hi Jude,

I had a long day yestersay and am exhausted today. It really takes it out of you, doesn't it? Just try to take it easy and I'm sure you will feel better soon..

Sarah :D

13-04-05, 14:41
This anxiety is so naughty.

I knew I had to go to the supermarket today.

Being so tired made my anxiety levels high.

I went round the supermarket in a dream, shaky etc

Now Im home and I feel fine, well almost if you know what I mean.

Still tired so Im gonna have an early night.

Isnt it naughty how it kicks you when your down!!:(

Still, I never let it beat me.:D

Thanks for your help.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

13-04-05, 15:44
Hope you are feeling better soon sweetie x try and relax and have some ME time. Anxiety is always worse when you are tired and overworked it hits you when your defences are down. Be strong! thinking of you xx[8D]

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

13-04-05, 21:57
Hi Jude

As you said you didnt let it beat you you still went out and did what you had to do, and i know that isnt easy when you are feeling so tired and out of it.

You have the right attitude and i hope things start to pick up for you soon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

14-04-05, 16:06
Hi Jude
How are you today? Feeling a bit better i hope.

Take care