View Full Version : Cyprus..Booking It

03-06-08, 17:08
Okay so im not recovering fast, and i dont think ill ever get rid of this completely, and it is always in the back of my mindd as i get a few setbacks,
but me and my friends from college have been at travel agents ALL day because we want to go on holiday to cyprus next year..
do you think this is a bad idea/putting pressure on myself? or should i just go for it?! need advice..im just a natural worrier..:blush: xx

03-06-08, 21:28
Go for it!! I'm off to Zante in 3 weeks and i'm getting worried that i'm going to suffer from these aweful anxiety symptoms and panic attacks when i'm over there! but i'm determined to enjoy myself. I will be armed with a paper bag and diazapam just incase!! I'll let you know how it goes.

03-06-08, 22:35
Go for it sweetie :) Hope you enjoy yourself xxx

03-06-08, 22:40
Go for it !!

I lived in Cyprus for 3 yrs and its a fantastic place ......... I'm jealous as I'd love to go back one day