View Full Version : Clogged/full ears . . .

03-06-08, 23:02
For almost 6 weeks my ears have felt clogged and full - like there's liquid in 'em. When I swallow and experience clicking as if I have just changed altitude. Occationally when I open my mouth or sometimes when walking or turning my head I can hear them crackle.

This is one of my more worrisome symptoms because this . . . occompanied with my visual disturbances, headaches and pressure makes me believe I have something serious going on. I worry and research things and end up considering things such as cerebrospinal fluid leaks etc . . .

I had a CT scan 11/12 days ago and it was normal.

Still worry though . . . anyone out there in my position?

03-06-08, 23:11
Mine does that too - just tried it

Never thought about it before but had it for years

04-06-08, 09:18

I have this fullness of ears at the moment, along with headaches, pressure, lite headed.

I think maybe my sinuses are playing up, but of course im thinking something more serious

love mandie x

04-06-08, 09:28
I get this too. Always assumed it was jaw tension.

04-06-08, 12:52
I get this! it was found that i had a middle ear infection - think i'ld had it for around 5 months! I was diagnosed after turning up at one of those primary care centres at the local hospital where you dont need an apptmt but see a doctor or a nurse there and then, but though its apparantly cleared up i still do get all of those sensations though not as bad as before i know its all anxiety symptons -as per usual! Good luck and really hope you feel better soon!!

04-06-08, 18:48
Thanks for the responses folks but I posted my symptoms onto a website for people who have cerebrospinal leaks and some of those people believe my symptoms are indicative of a leak . . . I am at the edge of reason here . . .

I'm gonna call BUPA for an appointment, gonna have to get the train to Glasgow and pay £60 for it, I just want more than what the NHS are doing for me, which is limited . . . I want questions answered, sure, it might be my anxiety running wild but I just dunno . . . I mean, my eye vessels just got all red and inflamed as well as experiencing some pressure, pretty bad for a while there . . . what is causing that?

I'm desperate for a solution.

Sorry about the tone of panic but that's where am at . . . my panic station.

All the best.

04-06-08, 21:08
:D Hi William i have experienced the fullness in the ears since having a brain tumour removed in Feb.
When i visited my consultant the other week he said it was nothing to do with the tumour so that put my mind at ease. Since then as i have calmed down these symptoms seem to have disappeared.

Hope this reassures you a little.

Mandy xx:flowers:

04-06-08, 21:18
Hi William forgot to say that CT scans are very thorough as that is how they found my tumour, so try not to worry.


Cathy V
04-06-08, 21:29
Hi William, by all means go for your tests, i prob would if i were you, but reading your posts i agree with the ppl who think its your sinuses. The sinuses connect via your head, ears, nose,face etc and the pain can be bad...as can the pressure, and the feeling you have in your ears..thats really typical of it.

It can also give you a sore throat and a cough because of swallowing all the gunk. I know its freaking you out and as i said go for the tests to put your mind at rest but while you're waiting to go try some sinus relieving remedies and just see how it goes.

If you had this other condition i'm sure you'd have far more physical problems than you describe...and yes the red vessels in your eyes can be affected by your swollen sinuses too.

Take care
Cathy V xx :)

05-06-08, 10:07

Please excuse my forthrightness here.

I've just done some research of my own about CSF leaks. Here's what I've found out.

CSF leaks occur in 1 in 50,000 people. Your odds are 50,000-1. In a two-horse race between a sinus problem (very common, like 1 in 25 people at some point, so 25-1) and a CSF leak - between the two, I know where my £10 would go.

Secondly, a CT Scan would indicate a need for further testing for a CSF leak.

I honestly think you're worrying about nothing.

05-06-08, 14:39
Well, I've just forked out £200 to go to a private consultation tomorrow with a neurologist . . . I will request further testing to rule it out completely . . . so this'll probably end up costing me a good £1000, I got £1600 saved up and make about £70 + £100 tips every so often working weekends, which should see me through . . .

It's a lot to deal with being a 19 year old student but my headaches are too frequent and unnerving, I need peace of mind and if it comes with a price . . . I'm willing to exchange currency.

I mean, all this "anxiety" began when I hit my head, hence the panic, so it makes me wonder . . . normally more than hitting your head on the corner of a door would be necessary to produce a CSF leak, right? But when I feel the part of my head that connected with the door I feel an indent . . . I know people have these in their heads but what if that's a fracture . . . a fracture that a CT scan missed . . . that'd be unlucky but who knows?

Hopefully the neurologist that I'm gonna be giving my £200 too tomorrow.

05-06-08, 14:59
i have had exactly the same for 3 years and was worried sick as i had dizziness to ,i have been having investigations for a year and had a mri scan which was clear . it is a blocked eustachian tube that cause mine and migraine associated vertigo .Blocked eustachian tubes can be releived by steaming ,my ear crackles and i have tinnutis and it feels full ,when i blw my nose it feels blocked.my head feels strange too .try not to think the worst as these symptoms point to many things and if you google it ,it will always give you the worst .
takecare lynda

05-06-08, 17:44

That's a lot of money for a 50,000-1 shot.

Please think carefully - if it's that bad then go but I honestly think that if you had anything to worry about your CT Scan would have shown it.

As an ex-student and now younger person trying to make a living in this world, I'd say keep the £1K stashed in your pocket.


05-06-08, 17:58
That is a lot of money for such a small chance! I really honestly think if it were anything serious the CT scan would have picked it up!
Good luck!

09-06-08, 17:07
Well . . . as it happens the costs of the MRI with contrast fluid is £620 . . . not too bad, I mean, back in the day, throughout the summer, I'd have totally spent that money on booze. I ain't gonna be drinking much anymore so . . . Tomorrow at 2:50pm I have the scan which will either highlight the fact I have a problem . . . or, alternatively . . . highlight the fact I have a problem. I mean, anxiety is quite the issue . . . but it would be nice to know what condition my brain is in . . . after all the freaky sensations I've been having your mind tends to run wild with suggestions.

I just feel ruling out a few things will help me get over my anxiety . . . the CAt scan made me feel more confident, for a day. This scan should make me feel 99% more confident that I am a healthy dude.

Anyways, however this plays out I want to thank you peeps who commented for the advice and kind words.

I'll report back ASAP.

Stay classy.

God bless.

09-06-08, 19:02
For almost 6 weeks my ears have felt clogged and full - like there's liquid in 'em. When I swallow and experience clicking as if I have just changed altitude. Occationally when I open my mouth or sometimes when walking or turning my head I can hear them crackle.

This is one of my more worrisome symptoms because this . . . occompanied with my visual disturbances, headaches and pressure makes me believe I have something serious going on. I worry and research things and end up considering things such as cerebrospinal fluid leaks etc . . .

I had a CT scan 11/12 days ago and it was normal.

Still worry though . . . anyone out there in my position?

If the CT scan is normal it is normal. Have you had the doctor to look inside your ears at all?

When you have the MRI and it comes back as OK will you believe it then?

13-06-08, 11:23
Have I had the doctor look inside my ears?

The only thing the doctor hasn't done is had sex with me.

I've went the whole ten yards with tests etc to try and rule anything dangerous out.

I leave in about 1 hours time to find out my results and talk things out with my consultant.

Will I believe things are OK if I get a negative result this time?

Well, I am going to be very thorough with my questions and make sure the neurologist is aware of all my concerns and if he says I have nothing to worry about, then yes. I will leave the consultation, I will enter a bar and I will buy everyone a round . . . well, maybe not but I will be satisfied . . . I mean, what else can they do for me?

To continue worrying would just make my anxiety worse so . . . I'll chillax for a couple of week (going on holiday tomorrow morning) and if I feel better, then cool.

Anyways, I best get ready.

Thanks for the words.

All the best,


13-06-08, 23:06
MRI with contrast dye results = negative for any abnormalities . . .

Guess am just gonna have to get better then . . . the old fashioned way . . . with a bottle of Scotch and a haggis . . . why not?

I'm feeling a lot better now tbh . . . been given some Amitriptyline to sooth my symptoms and help resolve my issues . . . so I'm hoping for a full recovery before July.

Thanks for the support people.

You are all brilliant.

All the best,


14-06-08, 06:24
That's it done and dusted now, move on and enjoy your holiday.:yesyes: