View Full Version : Newbie trying Zoloft again

03-06-08, 23:26
I am new to the board as of today so I am a little lost. My name is Kathy. I slowly came off of my 200mg of Zoloft over a 4 month period. I did fine with no side effects. I still felt fine for 4 more months and then began to feel depressed again. Overwhelmed by the things going on in my life. 2 boys moving home from college, need new roof from hail storm, cars on the blink, I need to return to work to increase our income but feel totally unable to function. I restarted the Zoloft at 100mg, up to 150mg for a week, and now on 200mg for a week. I still feel awful. I thought since it worked so well before, I could count on it again but nothing is better. We added 150mg of Wellbutrin this week as I used it before with my Zoloft. Am I crazy to give up already or is there still a chance the Zoloft will work?

I don't know how to get back here after I leave, but I will try to navigate the board. I am very new at this. Thanks.


04-06-08, 12:34
Hi Kathy and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I know with some meds it takes a while for them to take effect so I would keep with them for a bit longer. Perhaps you could have another chat with your doctor about your concerns. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

milly jones
04-06-08, 12:51
hi cathy,

i think mike is right, u need to praps give it a bit longer and keep in touch with ur gp,

welcome to nmp hun

milly x

04-06-08, 13:51
Hello Kathy And Welcome I Would Say Give Them At Least 8 Weeks To Work Then See.........wish Ya Well.....linda

04-06-08, 15:30
:hugs: Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. I am so concerned because when I last started Zoloft I felt some relief after a week. I had tried 2 other drugs before Zoloft, Serzone and Effexor for about 10 weeks with no success. Then the miracle with Zoloft. It's been over 3 weeks now, 1.5 weeks on the maximum dose of 200mg. Now Wellbutrin added. It is so hard to wait when my life is falling apart around me while I am non functional.

05-06-08, 14:18
Hi Kathy

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

05-06-08, 20:57
Hi Kathy,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

06-06-08, 17:53
Hi Kathy,

Welcome to the site. You will find that many here understand how you feel and you will get support. Give yourself time for the meds to kick in. Also, you will get the hang of the site soon.

Many hugs,
