View Full Version : The tree creeper

04-06-08, 01:55
I was out walking the poor old dog today when I heard a high pitched chirping in the trees. I looked up and saw a tree creeper walking up a tree trunk. This was the adult looking for insects to feed its fledgling which was staying lower down the tree.

When the adult had found enough food, it would fly down to feed its fledgling but after each visit it would climb higher and higher up the tree to find enough food.

It reminded me of anxiety. We keep striving to cope but every so often we'll meet a setback and have to put ourselves back together before beginning our climb once again. There's no other way though. Life is full of good And bad times so we survive the bad times in the search and hope of finding the good. Our strength, even if we can't see it, keeps us going even when we feel we're not getting anywhere!

When I got back from my enjoyable walk, my wife told me she'd put a red wool jumper in with other washing and you can guess what happened! This is the second time And she knew what would happen but didn't care because she said the items that came out with red blotches all over them didn't matter....yet they need to be washed!:wacko: Well, they mattered to me!:mad: Oh well.:shrug:

So as I was saying, we keep striving to survive and in the hope of good times which help us cope with the setbacks. We can all learn from mother nature.:hugs:

By the way, the orchids are in a safer place and still ok........so far!:unsure:

milly jones
04-06-08, 12:45
glad to hear the orchids are still thriving bill

also good to hear that u and yogi had some me time together.

thanks for keeping me going hun


ps we have loads pink and grey washing in our house lol

04-06-08, 14:27

Once again thank you for your contributions. I think I speak for all of us when I say your posts are inspiring!

Should any of us ever meet you, no doubt you'll be the guy dressed in pink!


04-06-08, 14:34
:roflmao: hillarious horse, and nice post bill and poor u, i hope u like pink. i ave done that before u know not realising something sneaked in with the whites that shouldnt have:mad: . perhaps bill your wife fancied seeing u in a bit of pink :D . hugs hope u well :hugs: