View Full Version : I know im not going mad

04-06-08, 02:08
ive been suffering from, Anxiety, panic attacks & depression for what must be thirteen years now. People ask me what sparked it of but I can only guess. Sometimes I struggle, sometimes im ok. but it is always there in the background. I know there is people out there alot worse than me , & for that im thankfull, but it can be an up hill struggle sometimes. I must of been to the doctors around half a dozen times in 13 yrs ( I only go when its really bad ). I usally get fobbed off with the usuall drugs & a sick note. I sometimes think that just becuase im not
seen as a danger to myself & others & not being some how sectioned that im not really being taken seriously. For the last six months Ive been on a CBT course. But she tells me that my thoughts & anxiety are irrational, but ive always known that. I just feel that the NHS have let me down. I was off work twelve months ago for a month with the usuall. Work was great, within two months I was seeing a psychothearapist I was told that I could see him once a month for as long as I wanted & it was great, for the first time I thought that I was getting a " handle" on things. But now ive moved on from that job so I now no longer see him.

At the same time through my doctor he got me a cousoller ( waiting time 6 weeks ), who prescribed a course of CBT ( waiting time 6 months ) its been largely ok, but all she does is tell me things that I already know. Ive been told that I get sixteen sessions & thats it. Last month we had a "reiview " where we discussed how the treatment has "helped me " I was some what bemussed & just told her stuff that I thought that she wanted to hear. Now I feel we are racing to the finishing line, I see her 2 weeks from the " reivew " then 1 month after that & then 3 months after that. Maybe im wrong but im already bored with it. apart from telling her the usuall crap whitch is going on in my life I have run out of things to say to her, im finding that im regurgatating stuff that my old psychotherapist has told me irrespective weather a belive it or not. Im just a bit disappointed in it all. What happens when the course is over is that it is it a case of hallohuha im cured cos I dont feel that way.

All I need sometimes is someone to talk to & to listen whats wrong with that. Anyway im trying to pack my life with positive stuff witch in the first time for a long time im am looking forward to, ive achived this through my own endeavors inspite of the medical proffesion who I belive in the last 13 yrs have let me down.


04-06-08, 08:40
Hi Andymon69,
Welcome:welcome: sorry to hear you have been messed about some what,
How can these people Who are supposed to help us put a time limit on you getting better, this is rediculus talk about rushing you, i am waiting on an appointment for a councilor after many years of depresion and nightmares every night for as long as i can remember and told i have an incurable illness that knocks me on my bum & lots of personal stuff from both childhood and adulthood, i will let you know how i get on if it ever comes through:shrug:
Any way sorry rant over LOL
Welcome everyone is lovely here with lots of advice and support hope we get to speak in the chat room soon hun
Sending you a big welcome :bighug1:
Take care Nat x

04-06-08, 12:34
Hi Andymon and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

milly jones
04-06-08, 12:39
hi andymon

no ure not mad hun

were all in the same boat

take care and use the website in nmp it does offer some rational help

milly x

04-06-08, 13:29
hi i can agree totally with u after suffering for 17 years . cope for so long then visit the docs same old advice . basically get on with it ! since finding thissite ive realised im not alone an i have to be strong for myself . all the best xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

04-06-08, 13:35
Hello Andymon69 And Welcome....wish Ya Well........linda