View Full Version : help

04-06-08, 09:09
im feeling bad, really bad. i got up this morning nad felt a bit light headed and woozy. but decided to go for my early morning swim as usual. got to the pool and one of the other regular early swimmers said ooh kelly are you okay you look really pale. i said i felt a bit off colour got in the pool and started to swim. then she said it again and whoosh that was it. i got so scarde that something was wrong i decided to get out. i was shaking so much and as white as a ghost. i rushed home told everyone that i was feeling sick rather than tell the truth. i have just called work and told them i wasnt feeling too well and they have begged me to come in. i said i would in an hour. i feel so ill, but i think its just anxiety. im shaking im petrified im pale and i feel on the edge. god i cant handle this what am i going to do. i feel so bad

04-06-08, 09:10
its coming in waves, feeling really sick, shaking, scarey thoughts that im gouing to collapse, cant think straight, finding it hard to communicate with anyone. and im so pale. i really feel i am losing control someone please help me

04-06-08, 09:22
please is there anyone here that can help me? its not stopping, its getting worse im almost certain something terrible is going to happen, i dont know why but its such a strong thought i cant control it

04-06-08, 09:27
Hi Kelly. Is it a feeling you've had before or something new?

04-06-08, 09:31
Hi Kelly

just seen this. how are u feeling now? x

04-06-08, 09:34
i have had it before, as soon as anyone tells me i look a bit off colour, especially if i feel a bit odd i start to panic, i believe that i will have a seizure or collapse. then once that thought process has started i lose it completely, i used to think that it was a medical situation but recently i have been trying to face the fact it is anxiety. i have had these episodes for years now and they have never resulted in collapse!!! but once i start thinking like that i cant control it. its still happeneing, i feel fuzzy headed, shaky, cold, tearful and totally convinced something very bad is gonna happen

04-06-08, 09:35
I know it's easier said than done, but try to take deep slow breaths, it does work. If you're hyperventilating try breathing into a paper bag or even through a tissue. It will help to stop the light-headedness. When you feel calmer, even just a little bit, it'll be easier for you to work out what's going on. It sounds like a very bad panic attack to me. How are you doing now?

04-06-08, 09:38
still bad, ive just started crying, i hate this so much, i want it to stop. why does this have to happen. i feel so weak and out of control. i feel like im going mad

04-06-08, 09:38
kelly, go to the docs now please. they will be able to help you. even if it is just a panic attack you are having. they can point you in the right direction for some help. xxxx

04-06-08, 09:40
I think going to the doctors is a good idea, it's perfectly valid to go with a panic attack, as Janey says, and you need someone to help you through this. xx

04-06-08, 09:42
i couldnt go anywhere in this state. the crying is bringing the level of anxiety down a little bit. but i just feel like im never gonna get better, im never gonna feel normal again

04-06-08, 09:44
I understand, I really go but try & get an apot for this aft or something. I am telling you, once you make that first step you will feel so much better for it. They can arrange for you to see someone to have CBT & then you have made the first step to recovery. You are just going to round & round in circles otherwise. xxxx

04-06-08, 09:45
You will, but not straightaway, it takes time. I have had panic attacks which have made me feel absolutely terrible all day, and have given me that feeling you describe that something terrible is going to happen. Are you on your own in the house? Could you manage to phone the doctors?

04-06-08, 09:48
yes like Samira said, it will take time but at least you have made the first step & I know when I made the first step & asked for help, it made me feel so much better. If you want me to facebook me your docs surgery & I'll make the apot for you if you feel like you can't do it. We are all here to help Kelly. :hugs: xxxx

04-06-08, 09:51
have you really had panic attacks that last for a long time. i read that they are usually over within 20 minutes!! that hasnt been my experience when i get in a state like this it can last for hours and hours and i can feel that i am going to die any minute. the thought that i am going to die becomes so strong i cant think past it. does taht make any sense. the last time this happened it went on for the whole day, i ended up in a&e. i thought i had definately lost my mind. they said it was a big panic attack. is it true can they be prolonged like thta

04-06-08, 09:56
I hope you are feeling better.
I've had people tell me i "look pale" and within minutes i feel ill. Its a sure way of inducing anxiety.


04-06-08, 09:57
I have had panics that have lasted all day, I call them 'rolling' panics because they seem to ease up for a few minutes and then the panic seems to 'roll' back again. When I get a panic attack of this kind I know it'll take several hours for it to pass off. Not everyone has short attacks! My mother too has suffered from these all-day panics. When you think about it, it's logical that there isn't any definite time limit, it depends on your state of anxiety. I've read some of your posts over the last few days and it's clear that you've been dealing with very intense anxiety lately, so an attack like this isn't totally unexpected. When I've been under that sort of pressure I often have attacks like yours. How are you doing now? xx

04-06-08, 09:58
when I had CBT they told me you can't have a panic attack for any longer than an hr as your body can't cope with it but when I was going through my bad stage, I would feel rubbish all day & all night! but then when they pointed out to be that it wasn't actually the panic attack that was lasting all day it was just the effects of it which once they said it kinda made sense. xxx

04-06-08, 10:12
How are you doing now. Kelly? xx

04-06-08, 10:13
Hi kellyw I am feeling the same as you this morning having the same thoughts
just keep thinking I am going to collapse any minute I have had these feelings so many times before you would think I would klnow that it will pass
but when im am like this I cant think rationally. Are you taking any meds.
love ness x

04-06-08, 10:18
That's it, Nessa, the horrible thing is that every time the fear is as intense, doesn't matter how many times you've been through it before. I always think 'this time will be different, this time I really will throw up/collapse/have a stroke' whatever, the panic just takes over the rational part of the brain. Hope your day gets better... xxx

04-06-08, 10:23
Hi Kelly, i am also feeling naff tis morning,

my heart feels like its sinking in my chest and im shaky/feel sick/got the bad thoughts and impending doom feelings,

i really hope you feel better now,but you are not alone, and seeing your doc for reassurance if nothing else would be a help xxx

04-06-08, 10:25
Hi Kelly,

Im feeling very much like you today, I have even been to the Dr's this morning and thought I was going to pass out in the waiting room. Im taking propronolol and fluoxetine and still feel terrible.

My panic attacks when I first started having them lasted for about 1/2 hour to 2 hours so you're not alone.

I think you really really need to make a Dr's appointment as soon as you can to help start the ball rolling.

Good luck.

04-06-08, 10:26
im still here, the level of anxiety has eased, i still feel bad but not in the sky high, mental breakdown imminent kind of way!
jane i read that too, that your body cant sustain a panic attack for a whole day, it has to relax at some point. when the intense anxiety is over the thing that remains is the terrifying thoughts, they go round in my head on a loop and it is that that brings the intense anxiety on again. rolling panic as you say samira, great description. i wish i could find the key to stop the obsessive thought process.
samira i have been under a lot of pressure for the last few days, im hyper sensitive to other peoples thoughts on me and find it hard to put things in perspective when someone is p****d off or angry with me.
nessa, i feel for you honey i really do. i hope you are okay. i have been feeling like this since 6.30 this morning and i havent collapsed yet hahahh so i am really starting to accept that it is my very powerful mind playing tricks on me again.
thank you so much everyone. im sorry to have been so dramatic, but i thought i was seriously on the edge of a major mental catastrophe.
i wish you were all my next door neighbours so i could pop round for a cuppa. im sure if i had someone close by to talk me down when i feel like this i would get it through it.
tahnks again
love kelly xx

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04-06-08, 10:30
Thanks for that samira its helps to hear from others that they go through the
same thing. have a good day

love ness x

04-06-08, 10:32
Hi Kelly,
Glad you feel a little bit better....let us know how you get on through the day and how you go at the doctors. thinking of you...!

04-06-08, 10:33
Hi Kelly

I really feel for u.

Im at work going through the same thing. I have packed up my bags and i am ready to walk out

I just cant cope with being here

love mandie x

04-06-08, 10:34
Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better kellie you made me smile when you mentioned the next door neighbours bit that would be fantastic wouldnt it
still we have the next best thing this great website it really helps.

Love nessa x

04-06-08, 10:35
you know something else has just occured to me. i have faced a lot in the last few days since coming here. things i have buried for years and tried to hide from. it has been a very emtionally draining experience. it is the first time i have ever openly admitted that i am suffering acute anxiety. in my family and my social circle anxiety is still heavily frowned upon, it is not something that any of us are comfortable with, fear i guess, who knows. im ashamed now to say i used to feel the same way, why cant that person just get a grip.
this fear of other people thinking i am mad has stopped me confronting what i knew to be true. it has allowed my anxiety to grow and grow.
really it is no wonder this has happened today, because i have finally allowed myself to admit what is really going on and as a result my nerves are shattered, from years of holding it all in.
the only way is up hopefully
thank you so much everyone.
take good care
kelly xx

04-06-08, 10:39
are you okay?
dont walk out. go to the loo or somewhere you can be on your own. can you go outside for a walk and get some air? listen honey i was nearly at the point of 999 20 minutes ago and now i feel shaken but calmer. you will too. my key seemed to be telling someone then crying it out. crying is a great release valve. i know its not a good idea to start hysterically sobbing at work but if you can distract yourself by going into a different room or outside then you might start to feel calmer.
take good care honey
love kelly xx

04-06-08, 10:50
thank you everyone that helped me then, im almost back to normal now. i have decided to go to work and see how i get on. i will be ringing the docs in a minute to make an appointment. hope you all have a good day.
the most helpful thing ive found in my very short time here is that before i came i was lurching from anxiety to anxiety, going round in circles. always thinking what if its not anxiety what if its something really bad. and after what has just happened to me i now have no doubts in my mind that it is anxiety.
love kelly xx

04-06-08, 11:01
docs appointment booked 4.20pm thursday the 12th june, god im such a nutter even doing the phone call made me shake and tremble!

04-06-08, 11:15
Well done Kelly - I suffered similarly - people would tell me I looked pale and was I ill - that immediately ignited the circle of anxiety so I ended up having a PA which meant I really did feel ill.

When I had a PA I always used to remember that it would not last for ever - the anxiety may remain but not the actual panic attack.

04-06-08, 11:20
thanks allye,
the hardest thing of all is when you are right in it and its taken over rational tghought completely i always think i am never gonna come back and thats it forever!!! im just at the begining of trying to understand what is happeneing to me so hopefully one day i will not get to that point and have some control.
have a good day

04-06-08, 11:22
Kelly you too

04-06-08, 12:43
Well done Kelly! Hope your day gets better from here...remember we're all here if you need any more reassurance or just to chat. x

04-06-08, 16:19
hello everyone,
well i went to work, and now im back. i havent felt my best at all but i went so im pleased about that. i have also just confided in my husband that i lied to him about having a bad tummy this morning, he was really lovely, poor thing the things i put him through, honestly.
im going to resort to takeaway dinner and try and take it easy tonight, i feel done in.
hope you are all well
kelly xxx