View Full Version : Another Newbie

13-04-05, 12:25
Hi Everyone,

I've recently started suffering from Anxiety related symptoms so I thought I'd share my experiences. First of all, thanks very much to everyone who has posted here -- it's been a great comfort to me to read what people with similar symptoms have gone through. A friend of mine recommended this site to me, and talking to him as well as reading posts here has really helped me to feel a lot less anxious than I otherwise would have.

At the moment I seem to be getting off lightly as my symptoms don't seem too bad compared to others -- but they are still scary for me. Anyway reading peoples stories helped me, so here's mine in case anyone can relate to it. It'll probably be a bit of a ramble (sorry everyone!) but it'll help to get it off my chest and also to ask some questions that I perhaps couldn't find answers to when searching the forum.

About 6 weeks ago I guess was the first sign. I simply got out of the shower and my heart rate felt high + noticeable (it was only about 90ish -- but I really could feel the palpiations and usually my heart rate is pretty low). I more or less ignored this and nothing happened for a while. About 4 weeks ago I got food poisoning, and had bad diarrohea etc. for about 12 days. Antibiotics I was prescribed got rid of it, but during the course of them I started getting kidney pain and other pains when urinating (ouch!). So I felt a bit anxious and started worrying that my kidneys had packed up -- which is not like me to think along those lines. Anyway, antibiotics stopped and the pain + food poisoning seem to have vanished. However I did have another day of high heart-rate getting out of the shower, which made me a little nervous.

During this time I'd stayed off caffiene and alcohol (I don't drink much now anyway) completely. About three weeks ago I had a coffee whilst waiting for someone and was fine, but later that night a had half a glass of red wine and my heart rate instantly shot up. It calmed down though when I went to bed and I slept ok. The following day I went to the gym and did an easyish work out and felt much better. That evening though I had palpitations most of the night and that started to worry me.
So a call to NHS direct (not much help) and a trip to the docs later suggested I had anxiety. Since then I've felt ok most of the time, but every now and then whilst walking around I get a feeling in my chest of nervousness for a couple of seconds (no other symptoms at all) -- and then it goes away. This continued for a while and recently I've had numbness/cramp/pain in my left arm. Tight chest, pains in various locations over my chest (inc over the heart). Also general pains in various places all over (feet, inside leg, etc..). Most of these only last for few minutes, but occur at various points throughout the day. Very rarely do I actually feel anxious though -- this website in part helped calm me down and I just try to think positive 'it's only anxiety, it'll pass' thoughts when I feel the pain. My wisdom teeth have also been letting me know they exist too.

Anyway, the past 2 days going into work has been worrying. My heart rate was 100+ from the moment I got up, until getting into work about 2 hours later, then it went down. This prolonged high rate probably worried me more than the pains (don't know why..). Monday I had trouble getting to sleep but managed a few hours with no inturruption. Oh whilst I remember, I've also had lots of fun with my stomach, it seems tight/upset most of the time and fluctuates between v. hungry and urgently needing the loo. Last night I woke up twice, I felt my heart rate was high but when I measured it on my arm it seemed to beat ultra-fast for four beats and then instantly settle v. low -- not sure if I imagined the fast beats or not). This morning I went to the docs again and had an ECG. She said everything checks out ok (hurrah!) -- and has prescribed me some beta-blockers (which I didn't really want - I don't like taking pills), but they are to take just in case my heart rate really roc

13-04-05, 12:41
hello Craig,

Welcome to the forum!! :)

Worrying about your heart rate is very common amongst anxiety sufferers as is reacting badly to caffeine and alcohol - I don't touch either.

You will receive loads of support here so do stick around!!

Sarah :D

13-04-05, 12:49
Hi Craig
Welcome to the site.
I constantly worry about my heart but i suffer with ectopic/missed beats but have had them for best part of 24 years so i realise that they're not harming me. The left arm pain i can also relate to as well and it isn't pleasant is it, but it is all part of anxiety i'm afraid.
I'm sure as you carry on reading posts you will find you are definately not alone with all this and you'll receive plenty of help and support from everyone here.
Take care

13-04-05, 13:07
hi Craig
welcome to the site, you know what you need to do to get over the feelings of anxiety so that is good, its all about relacing the neg, thoughts with positive ones, if i were you a would stop counting your heart beat, as this will make u more anxious just try deep breaths and relaxing when it happens, this is a great site with some brilliant people to offer advice,

enjoy this site and we might see you in the chat room one night

kairen x

13-04-05, 13:14
hi craig,
welcome to the forum, on answering question 1,usually i get odd symptoms first, even if i feel ok, and then i start worrying, so the answer is most def yes
q2 everyone is obsessive about some sort of bodily symptom, with me its my breathing and dizzyness, thats what keeps it fueled
so the best thing to do is to try and occupy yourself with a hobbie or something you really enjoy doing, i hope this helps
regards sue:)

13-04-05, 13:40
Hi Craig- your not alone, i'm pretty much the same as you- 99% of the time i feel 'normal' (if you could call it that!!!!)- not anxious or nervous about anything and panic attacks and palpitations come from nowhere. My doctor said that it is a physical symptom of something going on deep inside that i may not even be aware of- so keep that in mind. I feel for you because there is absolutely nothing worse. I hope you find this site good- it has been a god-send to me. If you ever want to pm to ask any questions- feel free

Rach xx

13-04-05, 14:50
Hi Craig

Welcome to the forum. As others have said, obsessing about your heart rate is something a lot of people with anxiety do. Most of us have something we obsess about. It is all part of the illness. You can learn to stop this and change your thoughts.

You'll get some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

13-04-05, 15:41
Welcome to the group Craig, you will get loads of support here and make loads of new friends too with people who understand completely what you are going through.

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

13-04-05, 17:54
Hi Craig

Couple of points - whan you've had a hot shower it is entirely normal for your heart rate to rise into the three figures. You have warmed your blood and the warmth dilates the blood vessels and brings them closer to the surface.
As there is more space in the vessels, your blood pressure drops a bit and your heart has to beat a bit quicker to get the blood round as fast, which is why when peope have hot baths , they can get very dizzy when they first stand up. Not an effect with showers as no postural drop.
As your heart rate changes speed and accomodates this so palpitations kick in more.

**started worrying that my kidneys had packed up -- which is not like me to think along those lines** we learn quickly how to worry about our health and one existing worry can lead quickly to another.

1. Yes but we're quick to transfer fear so simple pains and involuntary body movements become symptoms as soon as we concentrate on them leading to anxiety.

2. Absolutely . One of the most common worries

Betablockers: Beta Blockers - new user seeks help please!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2400)

Palpitations: palpatations (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2284)

HA: contiuously obsessed with dying (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2691)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

13-04-05, 21:27
Hi Craig

Welcome aboard and i hope we can help you. Log on to the sites Meg has given you as they will help you loads.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

13-04-05, 21:55
Hi Craig

Welcome to the site. I am glad that it is giving you at lease some help and am sure that the more you use it it will help to alleviate those worries and you will know that you what you are experiencing is perfectly normal for someone with anxiety.
An anxiety attack can come totally out of the blue mine do. I can feel perfectly normal one minute then my heart rate increases and the rest follows suit. We all get obsessions with it thats part of it too. If we didnt have something to worry about we would feel weird. We have to re programme our thinking. Difficult but with determination and time it will work. Your dr has checked you out and given your heart the all clear so you can rest easy that its ok and it is a mind over matter thing(says she who should listen to her own advice)
I would constantly take my heart rate and mine is on the high side. I got paranoid about it and would lay down at nite and could hear it. Drove me nuts. So your not the only one trust me.

Try not to worry too much and exvept that maybe you may need the meds for a while but if you think you can do it without see how you go. Maybe try alternative medicine.

Anyway let us know how you get on

Take care


13-04-05, 22:26
Many thanks everyone for sending so many positive messages so quickly! :D

I'm relieved that I knew someone who had anxiety and was able to talk to them straight away and find this site -- many thanks to bighenry for that.

I'm sure it'll help massively with trying to get better and not making it any worse through self-doubt.


16-04-05, 11:40
Hey Craig.

I'm very glad to have been of some help :D

How you doing now?


16-04-05, 15:23
Better thanks :)

Had to travel a lot yesterday at commuter time for a meeting (tube was a nightmare!) -- and ended up standing for 1hr on one part of the train journey as the train was packed.

No anxious feelings though which was nice. Had about 20mins of raised heart rate whilst talking in one meeting -- accompanied by the feeling that you are getting more distant from the conversation (everyone else seemed to be drifting further and further away, I'm sure lots of people have experienced this).

A bout of dizzyness came for about 5 mins last night and I had another wave doing the shopping earlier (neary killed several people in Sainsburys with the trolley [Oops!]). But no chest pain so far today -- so feeling ok!

Hope the symptoms level out at this and then decline. I'd be mega-happy if that happens [8D]

16-04-05, 16:27
Hiya Craig
Welcome to the site:D

Glad to hear your feeling better....apart from trying to kill people with trollies you seem to be doing fine!:D
Let us know when your in Sainsbury's so we can avoid you! lol

Take care

16-04-05, 16:33
Hiya Craig

Welcome aboard the forum and I am pleased that Bighenry referred you here as you will get loads of support and help.

It is hard not to think about your heartbeats but please try to ignore it as much as possibel cos thinking about it will make your more anxious so it becomes a vicious circle.

Hope you stick around and maybe catch you in chat soon.
