View Full Version : hi im new and worried..

04-06-08, 14:18
Hi there, I'm 19 years old. I live with my partner & we have a 2 year old daughter.

I have been feeling pain in my chest and heart rate speeds up etc.. I went to the doctors and they told me i had anxiety problems they put me on 5ml of diazapam one every night before bed! but it knocked me out for so long i can't take them when i have a 2 year old to look after. i'm so scared my partner gets annoyed sayin same thing every day, but i cant help it i just wanna be normal and live a normal life this is driving me mad i just feel so upset about it n i worry all the time my heart beats ridiculously fast and the past couple of days ive been getting a pain under my left rib cage. has anyone got any tips for me to get over this i just cant do it alone.

thank you

04-06-08, 14:47
You arent alone hun, we all know exactly what you mean on here. To the left you will see a column on common anxiety issues which are really helpful for you to read. Also posting in the symtoms forum will make you realise that what you are experiencing is anxiety and it cant actually hurt you!!!
I think you should go back to the doctors and get a check on your chest for your own peace of mind, you may find anti-depressents might help you too, they have me. Speak to the doc about other alternatives for anxiety.
Keep posting its a lovely friendly site and you are never alone here.
:hugs: Charlie x x x

04-06-08, 16:11
hey honey,
how long have you been feeling like this for? i think if the meds the doc gave you are not suiting you then it might be a good idea to go back to the docs and ask if they can suggest anything else, maybe a councillor or some other medication.
its a shame your partner isnt being more supportive, you have a lot on your plate with a toddler to take care of.
i hope you are feeling better.
take good care
kelly xxx

10-06-08, 20:06
Hi Playmate,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

10-06-08, 20:32
I playmate

I'd stop worrying. If there was a problem your doctor would of found it when he listened to your heart. The pain under your left rib cage will almost certainly be your tummy, and your tummy can influence your heartbeat which is perfectly normal. Also, Diazepam always knocks you out the first time you take it.


kt xxx
10-06-08, 21:02
hey, im new to this. I also get a tight pain in my left rib cage and a dull ache in my chest, i have seen about 10 doctors now who have all said its panic and anxiety but i still cant believe them as i am extremely dizzy everyday!

10-06-08, 21:17
:hugs: hi playmate this is my first time on this forum and your message was the first i read. I suffered the same symtons as you under the left rib, i really thought i was going to have a heart attack the more i forcused and thought about it, it got worse i had test done at docs , they were clear, you need to ask yourself just before the pain or sensation happens what have you been doing and remember sensations cannot harm us the fear is terrifying but i can promise you nothing will happen to you as long as you dont have any medical probelms. has anything happen to you? no and it wont thats your fear and the aderialine in your body it will pass , dont fight it start breathing in for 4 seconds and out for four seconds through your nose and watch your tummy rise your lungs should not rise and do this for a minute .see how you feel

11-06-08, 05:28
You are not alone, i obesses over my heart too. i wish i could just be normal again.

milly jones
11-06-08, 13:27
hi welcome to nmp hun,

theres loads fo us here who undertand

milly xx

11-06-08, 13:44
hi playmate, im obsessed with my heart really badly atm , hope you feel a little better after comming on here


11-06-08, 14:50
Hiya Playmate
Im yet another one who understands how you are feeling, been there and done that etc etc, i would def say for you to go back to the docs for some different meds, you can also get a 2mg diazepam which is what ive got if i need them, ive also found the herbal remedies quite goo, that might be an idea for you to think about also
Take care POLLY xx

17-06-08, 14:14
Hi Playmate,

Like amandaj, most of my anxiety is about my heart, i get nasty symptoms (racing heart,feeling my heart has stopped/sinking in my chest/ectopic beats) even when im relaxed or having a good day where i dont feel anxious etc.

Go to docs and get reassurance in way of ecg's etc, it helped me.

Best wishes hun
Char xxx

17-06-08, 14:32
Hiya playmate, welcome to nmp its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. keep posting and we will help as much as we can.

take care.
