View Full Version : Craving sweet stuff

04-06-08, 14:22
Since my anxiety /pa's got worse 5 months ago ive found it difficult to eat due to feeling sick etc and i have lost 2 and half stone... ive improved a bit and now make myself eat three meals a day. However, i constantly crave sweet stuff far more than i ever have before and really only want to eat chocolate or cakes!!!! Ive never craved chocolate like i do now and enjoyed it so much, its weird!!!! :shrug:
Does anxiety make you crave sweet things? The problem is i know sugar actually encourages adrenaline production so i know its probably making me worse too!!!
Any thoughts?
Thanks as always
Charlie x x x

04-06-08, 14:24
hiya i have had same thing recently as mum came to stay and we pigged out abit on rubbish which worried me and since then i been trying to lose weight and probably not eating right which has caused my sugar levels to drop and i been craving sugar badly, i am now trying to correct this and eat healthy and then u wont get that anymore hugs xxx

04-06-08, 14:47
Whenever I feel anxious I crave sweet stuff, I think it is something to do with blood sugar levels dropping. I always find it helps.

06-06-08, 10:51
Yes me too, I was really fed up the other day and came out of shopping sat in the car and ate 2 chocolate eclairs:ohmy: before driving home. I comfort eat alot, and I didn't buy my husband anything:ohmy: naughty!!!

milly jones
06-06-08, 11:51
hi charlie

i lost 5 stone thru anx but my present meds make me feel v down and ive started comfort eating.

last night i ate a whole hotel chocolate bar in one go.

im a bit disturbed about this cos then i felt i needed to be sick to get rid of it.

i crave choclate and salty things at the mo

i know one bar of choc is not the end of the world but i really dont want things to get out of control.

charlie, lets continue to help and support each other hun, as always


06-06-08, 12:15
Hi...I too am starting to crave sweet things more and more. I never usually eat between meals (when I can be bothered to eat them) but, lately I have found myself going into the kids 'treat box' and eating kit kats and blue ribbond biscuits. I have so got to stop as I really don't want to put the weight back on that I have lost.

Kaz xx

06-06-08, 23:13
Milly, a whole bar of at least quality chocolate!!! Ive just eaten a whole family sized pack of pink panther pink wafers, the shame of it, at least you have taste!!! My sweet sugar craving thing is completely out of control, ive never been like this in my life, today ive had packet of pink wafers, creme egg, 2 choc ices and half a large almondy frozen dessert thing Ifamily size again!)!!!
Had bloods tested and glucose fine, i think im just gonna have to go cold turkey. Problem is i just dont wanna eat any other kinds of foods :(

06-06-08, 23:28
i crave sweet things to normally after a meal,id say satisfy your cravings it might be your bodys way of telling you it needs those nutrients after your weight loss(well done,yay!)dont get to hung up about it.along with coffee cocoa is one of the most consumed natural organic compounds all humanity enjoys,yummy.some nutritionists say it is an unbalanced diet that causes these cravings,maybe thats true,but sugar is a great way of getting energy straight away unlike carbs which release the energy more slowly,i eat plenty of sweet stuff and it doesnt seem to affect my weight in a negative way.i like guylian choolates their damn fine and yummy.:yesyes: