View Full Version : Having a cystoscopy Help!

04-06-08, 17:53
Hi, everyone,

I have to have a cystoscopy carried out and I am just so scared. I don't even know if I can go through with it. I am frightened that it will hurt and frightened that afterwards I will get an infection. I am someone who has to have a knock out injection even at the dentist!

I get a few bouts of cystitis each year. I had a bout a few weeks ago and needed antibiotics. At the time they discovered that my blood pressure was very high so I had more blood, and urine tests done and an ECG.

To cut a long story short the blood tests seems to show that I have chronic kidney disease and there is still blood in my urine. This is why they want to do the cystoscopy.

At the moment I am more scared about that than the further implications. I feel constantly sick and shaky at the thought.

When I go to my dentist I have an injection of a type of valium related to Rohypnol (the date rape drug). It is given intravenously and although you are apparently concious and will follow the dentists instructions... as far as I am concerned it is as good as a general anaesthetic. One minute I am talking to my dentist the next I am home in bed. It removes all my anxiety.

My husband has suggested that we ask if I can have this, but I don't think they do it. I am just petrified.

Are there any ladies out there who have had this done and can tell me exactly what it is like. I would be so grateful to talk to someone who has had it done. Thank you.

A petrified Jilly.

04-06-08, 18:05
Hi Jilly

Enter cystoscopy into the search box and there are several posts about it. It may help to read them.

06-06-08, 19:43
hi there

i had one (male) about 6 months back. the entry point and the tip of the endoscope have an anaesthetic gel applied. to be fair i think its a bit more of a sting for males so your exam should be a walk in the park. please do not be scared of the exam. the staff i have come across in the NHS have always been professional and caring and are aware of personal privacy-thats what they are there for. I always think like this "theyve seen it all before". you are just another person going in for just another exam. they want to find out whats wrong and so although youre a bit nervy, dont miss the appointment as you will regret it afterwards plus you will never know the root of the problem. you might only need some antibiotics!

go in, take a good book with you for when youre waiting to be seen and try not to worry. they tend to tell you there and then if there is a problem and for me i could watch on a big TV screen as the camera went into the bladder.

all the best

09-06-08, 10:01
Hello Jilly. I've had 2 done so I'll share what I know with you.

I've had cystitis since I was 6 months old. I'm 41 and never been able to shift it.

I had a cystoscopy done 10 years ago - this was done under GA - all normal.

Due to recurrent attacks, I had another cystoscopy done last year, this year under a local. I was more worried about the embarrassment more than anything else :blush: but it's really a very quick and simple procedure and all over in about 5 minutes.

There will be a couple of nurses there with you and then some numbing gel will be applied to "the area". There is only a slight bit of discomfort but it's really ok. You can also see the screen and inside your bladder - it's quite interesting. Again mine was normal. Due to the indication that you have a kidney disease - you really need to have this carried out. Speak to the consultant and talk about your options.

09-06-08, 19:15
Hello Jilly !
I had this done about 4 weeks ago - I keep getting blood in my urine. Like you I was petrified. Gotta tell you though, it was easy peasy. Mine was done by a nurse practitioner with the consultant looking on. This is exactly what happened :
Lay on couch, nurse used swab to clean area and some gel to numb (totally painless and not the least embarrassing). Next, camera was inserted, this was very slim and only went a little way in before disappearing into the bladder - I was told I might feel a pinch at this stage but felt nothing. Saline solution expands the bladder all at the same time - again totally painless. Then you can watch the monitor to see what everyone else is looking at ! Your consultant can tell you immediately if there is anything suspect. Took 5 mins tops. Camera is withdrawn and saline runs out and is cleaned up by nurse. Jilly, it was totally pain-free. I needed to wee about 20 mins after - there was some mild stinging on passing water and for me a bit of spotting. All this is normal and was completely bearable (I'm the biggest whimp going !) The nurses were great - they explained everything and only proceeded when I was OK with each stage - I was physically shaking when I went in. Afterwards I was so mad with myself for getting in such a state and losing sleep over it I wish I'd known then what I know now !! Hope this helps, if you want to know anything else then email me - OK ?
be kind to yourself