View Full Version : Health (heart) related anxiety and sports

04-06-08, 22:48
Hi everyone, my panic attacks and almost constant worry that something is wrong with my heart started about 8 months ago (you can read my other post in the "Introduction" forum for more info :). Of course, this is now accompanied by my ""favourite" symptoms of dizziness/lightheadedness (only when walking outside), not being able to take a good breath sometimes.

Anyway, before all of this I was pretty active physically but now I got to the point of being scared to even elevate my heart rate because of fear that something might happen. This is having an affect on me to the point where I don't feel myself anymore. I have started running a little bit and I have gone swimming once. However, I am constantly "monitoring" my heart and my breathing, while swimming for example, to the point of actually scaring my self when I think that my heart is beating too fast or I can't take a good breath.

I used to play ice-hockey and football, but at this point, I don't know if I would be able to do that, or if I can, it would require an extreme effort. But then, maybe that's exactly what I need to do. :blush:

04-06-08, 22:53
Hey there i have had this too. Been playing tennis and suddenly scared that if i over exert myself that i'm gonna have a heart attack or cause damage to my body in some way. I managed to push past it to some extent and felt so much better with exercise. Its hard to find the right balance isn't it?

The breathing this really gets to you too doesn't it? I hate it because you become convinced that something is going to stop you from getting a good deep breath! I guess the answer is that our bodies need exercise and so therefore we should just do our best even if its just little steps. xxx

Cathy V
04-06-08, 23:15
Hi there, sorry to hear you're having so much anx with your heart. I have the same anx. The ectopics come and go and dont worry me as much as they once did..coz i'm still here :) but i know they can be very uncomfortable. Some ppl never feel them and other ppl who are more sensitive do,and as the docs have said everyone gets them, be unusual if you didnt. We get them so much and so strong because of our anixiety of course. Mine can come on if i lie on my left side, walking upstairs, really cold weather, or swimming in cold water, or exercising...despite what they say about exercise making them disappear that doesnt seem to work for me. I now just accept that they come and they go (sometimes for a few years before coming back to give me another swift kick for a few weeks)

I also know that your heart wont stop because of them...truly. and your heart wont be damaged either no matter how long they go on. And try to keep going with whatever sport you play because you'll do more damage being inactive, just as for anyone with or without this phobia, coz the heart needs to pump at least 120bpm at least once a day...ok then 3 times a week to keep it healthy.

The dizziness that started this off sounds like it was lack of food as you thought, it was just a bit more prolonged so you thought it was something more sinsiter. Then your panic made it go on longer. Alot of ppl get this , myself and one of my sons and we just carry some fruit juice or some of those energy bars or lucozade sweets to tide us over. It doesnt mean you have diabetes, just that the engine is knocking abit and needs more fuel!

You sound like classic heart/health anx, and believe me there are plenty of us around here, so weve had all of the symtoms :scared15:

You're not alone
Best wishes
Cathy V xx

05-06-08, 07:43
I get like this, I desperatly want to get back into cycling, and I used to do boxing, but I am trying to work up the courage to do it as with my heart phobia, I am terrified if I over exert myself something bad will happen :-(

So i sympathise, I guess we all need to learn to think rationally hey, and realise that our hearts are OK.

I am sorry if I was not much help just wanted to let you know I feel the same

05-06-08, 09:27
Sometimes I can control the symptoms and sometimes not. For example, yesterday I was walking home and started feeling light-headed and felt that my legs were just going stiff, like I had lead weights attached to the bottoms of my feet. I got on the train home and I just felt the panic coming on, heart rate started increasing, started sweating etc. but fortunately, somehow I was able to prevent it from turning into a full blown panic attack. This is unlike the other day in the office when I did have panic attack which set on in a manner of seconds.

One of the reasons why I desperately want to get back into sports is because I know that if I can still take the same or similar level of physical load as before, then I can prove to myself that there is nothing wrong with me.

Turns out the mind is a very funny thing, sometimes it feels like I have no control over it and it's actually trying to sabotage me! Or rather, I am trying to sabotage myself. :blush:

05-06-08, 11:57

I read your introduction a few days ago and have been meaning to reply as i have exactley the same anxiety's. In fact when i read your thread it was like reading about myself.

I have been suffering on and off for 3/4 years now. If you click on my profile and view my first thread it will save me boring others with it again - please read "my anxiety".

I have such a heart phobia it's unreal!!
I take my pulse constantly and have give up any form of excercise as i am to frightened to raise my pulse - i think i will have a heart attack.
But i no deep down that exercise is very good for your heart and mind.

At the moment i take beta-blockers but i am not sure if they give me side effects or not, as my current symptoms could be my anxiety or the meds!!

Mornings are so bad for me to.
I wake up and my arms are so weak my legs feel like lead weights my heart is racing i feel sick dizzy and bloody worn out!!
But i sort the children out take one to school come back feed the baby and by that time i feel slightly better but never normal.
what really scares me is in my breathing or lack of. I feel like i cannot get enought oxygen in my body it is awful but i'm sure that is anxiety.
I have a pain in my left breast most days but is that from holding my 10month old most of the day! God i feel like i'm going mad.

Well anyway i think i am going to try CBT but i will go private as i cannot carry on feeling how i have felt the last month. If that dosn't work then i may try prozac again but scared though as they worked the first time but the second time they made me worse.

On a more positive note here are a few of my tips for some slight relieve.

Breathing - you must try and do regular breathing excercises there are a few on this site i think. Easier said than done but if i really make an effort it does help.

Panic attack - When i feel one coming on i try to get out in the fresh air and sit down breath and count back from 100 in multiples of 3 - it helps.

Dizziness - Having big trouble with this so any thoughts guys??

Muscle aches - Hot baths

Your mind - Just try to think well i've had these feelings before and i didn't die - so this time will be no different.

Sorry for going on but it's nice to talk to you and ppl who no i'm not stupid!

Talk to me at any time i am on here most days.

PS. Do you get tingling in your back?

07-06-08, 20:42
Just came back from a run about 15 minutes ago. I guess I ran about 1.5 miles. I felt anxious before and durnig the run but nothing really happened. I didn't feel any ectopics and wasn't out of breath....well....I guess once or twice I felt that I couldn't get a good breath but nothing more. I had the "unrealness"/light-headedness feeling throughout the run, but then again, I've felt like this all day today, it was even worse in the morning when I went to the store.:blush:

Anyway, the funny things was that I actually felt more anxious when I cam back home from the run because I could feel every beat of my heart, and I can't really feel that while running. I was sort of bracing for a couple of ectopics but didn't feel any.

Anyway, just thought I'd share.

Take care everyone.

09-06-08, 11:09
I have for the last few years believed that I was going to have a heart attack, just get it in your mind that this is going to happen, awful feeling, the more you think about the more you get wound up the more your chest tightens the more you feel sweaty, the more you feel dizzy. I am only 27, i think I am going to have one because I am overweight, silly I know. Must check my pulse at least 20 times a day, I have had all tests on my heart and ran on the treadmill at the hospital full belt for 15 minutes and everything was normal.

Just in my mind I guess :blush:

12-06-08, 17:27
I have for the last few years believed that I was going to have a heart attack, just get it in your mind that this is going to happen, awful feeling, the more you think about the more you get wound up the more your chest tightens the more you feel sweaty, the more you feel dizzy. I am only 27, i think I am going to have one because I am overweight, silly I know. Must check my pulse at least 20 times a day, I have had all tests on my heart and ran on the treadmill at the hospital full belt for 15 minutes and everything was normal.

Just in my mind I guess :blush:

I'm the same way, today I felt discomfort in my left arm and right away started thinking heart attack :scared10: Took me 45 min to calm down before i was willing to get on the train for work. Last week I went to the ER had a EKG MRI and blood work done.. Nothing was wrong but in my mind they are all wrong :(

Chin up and keep on trucking its all you can do..


12-06-08, 18:12
i can totally relate to this as this was me last year for months and months lol and is still there a bit now :mad:

it seems that when ya heart beats faster with exercise etc ya become more concious of ya heartbeat so start to worry which makes it beat faster again and my worry, and still is that if you do excersise intense excersise and ur hearts going one to the dozen if u start panicking on top of that will it beat even fast go outve control and then heart attack :scared15:

i still have these issues even now and dont do anything thats gonne put my heart rate up so much as it still worrys me and easily turns into panic

so im with u on this one hope we can both get back on track and be running the next marathon lol