View Full Version : Setting achieveable goals! What are you aiming for?

05-06-08, 00:48
After a period of not feeling so good - I have given myself a shake and tried to start setting myself some new goals:) :) :)

I am glad to report that this has given me a new sence of relief and dare I say it...... drive!!

After a spell of feeling the fear of panic and the fear that I was slipping back I have decided that - to quote an old phrase - 'if you do what you've always done you'll get what I've always got'!!

So yesterday I went for a walk as I feel I have started to rely on my car as security and I was starting to feel a little apprehensive the futher I was away from where the car was parked. Best cure - walk instead of drive - and I actually enjoyed it once I got going.

I always drive the same route to work - so I have started to vary it!

These may seem like small changes buy you would be surprised at how your confidence soars when you challenge these thoughts and patterns and realise that you can do it!

what goals however big or small would you like to achieve?

Denise x

05-06-08, 09:10
well done denise....you should be so proud of yourself

love dawny xxxxx

05-06-08, 13:31
Good for you Denise. I especially admire your ability to move further away from your security. Bravo!

My goal is to get through this final phase of recovery. I am about as back to "normal" as one could be . . . except for those moments when something stressful happens during the day. At those times, my nervous system responds in an exaggerated way, compared to what it should for the situation. I understand this to be nerves that are still sensitized. My guess is that it may take some time for this final phase. I'm trying to keep these stressful moments to a minimum, in order to strengthen my nervous system -- although that's easier said than done in today's world!

Cathy V
05-06-08, 13:52
Thinking about this has made me realise that i don't have too many personal goals left to achieve, coz ive more or less achieved them over the years. Maybe not the exact ones that were on my list when i was a young girl coz sometimes the goal-posts got moved, but i brought my kids up to be good ppl and now theyv got lives of their own, and despite life being very painful at times ive survived.

So I think my goal now is more physical than personal and its to try and get back to the fitness level i was a year ago. Since discovering i have high blood pressure last year and being put onto the meds, my anx and health and weight have suffered and my fitness level is very low. Ive been told to walk for 30 mins every day...briskly, but with the anx and the meds its a struggle, but i know i have to do it to get my health back. Even with having anx on and off for years i was always quite fit so it grieves me to feel...and look like i do now. So this is one goal.

The other is to stop being such a grump!!:D
Cathy xxx

07-06-08, 00:35
That was a really encouraging post - I'm so glad you submitted it!

I had moved a couple of times over the last two years because of my studies, and had come home to my parents home for the last year and found myself regressing back to the way I was when living at home and my panic attacks had started. It was getting quite scary to be honest and my anxiety levels were sky-rocketing, I was finding it almost impossible to even walk out of the front door etc... the usual awful things that (can) result from huge anxiety.

So, I decided to take a big step and move back to London - I am moving down on Sunday...

As you can imagine, the panic attacks are pretty horrendous right now, but I've decided that moving there, and away from my parents home, is the best thing that I can do for myself, whatever the levels of anxiety/panic in the meantime.

Wish me luck!!

07-06-08, 08:28
Yes we done, you have done really well.

I don't have goals as such, I just take each day as it comes and I have recently had a health issue where I could have freaked out, but I didn't I remained calm, well calmer than I would usually have been, so thats progress. I also try not to beat myself up if I have a bad and and hope that the next day my mine is a little clearer.