View Full Version : Everyone suffers.......

05-06-08, 10:18
Did anyone watch GMTV this morning. How silly Fiona Phillips was about that girl who has a vomitting phobia. She made light of the whole thing. i really felt for the girl - she is obviously in need of help for her phobia.

It also seems to me that a lot of people are panicking on the website at the moment. Myself included. For me, its the hot humid weather that makes me sway and breathe weird and go red and dizzy - I cant stand queues in shops in this heat or eating out etc.

My love and thoughts go out to everyone who suffers like I do with panic and its worse in the summer!

Love wenjoy xxx

Cathy V
05-06-08, 10:38
Morning wenjoy, i didnt see the prog as we dont get it over here, only BBC Prime, but i would've been quite upset watching it too as my 6yr old grandson has always had this problem. He can be a bit of a worrier bless him and his worries can manifest as vomitting, and then he freaks out because he's being sick. It doesnt happen every day or every single time he worries, but enough times to make him fear the vomitting...as usual its a vicious circle.

Thanks also for your best wishes, and sending you some also.
Cathy V xxxx :flowers:

05-06-08, 10:45
Fiona Phillips is a pain in the .........

It's strange how people seem to suffer more in Summer. Almost like the opposite to SAD.

I used to always feel better when it was dark, and hated long hot days when I was at my worst.

For me now, it's Holidays I really struggle with, but it seems no matter the worry: health, social, driving, vomitting etc etc the symptoms are all the same, damn anxiety.

Ah well, I am still searching for the ultimate cure.



05-06-08, 17:10
Thankyou for your replies - yep - Im sat at my desk at work with the air con on feeling hot and dizzy - my colleagues are frozen and have asked me to turn it off so have now put my fan on full pelt to get some air in here !!!!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Love the sunshine but hate the stuffiness!!

Wenjoy x