View Full Version : DIZZINESS???????

13-04-05, 21:21

13-04-05, 22:09
Yeah Panicks we do not knowing when or how it is going to affect us.
When i feel anxious i darent walk anywhere in case i pass out as that feeling takes control but we have to beat it by trying.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

14-04-05, 08:36
Just read my user name and you will realise you are not alone in feeling Dizzy. It is my main symptom I HATE it with a passion. I can be mid - conversation with someone, totally realxed, and whoooshh DIZZY, WEAK, NUMB....... I have mentioned somewhere on here that a physio gave me balance exercises to do....
They really help - Stand on one leg and count slowly to 10 (repeat on the other leg)
Now close your eyes (be near something to hold on to if you wobble!) Now repeat standing on one leg with your eyes closed. (Don't worry if you can't do it for more than 1 second. Some days I can go 10+ seconds other days 0. (The dizziness is greatly exaggerated with your eyes closed so please don't panic about this)
Repeat these exercises as often as possible throughout the day.
These exercises are really good for everyone as they protect our balance mechanism from wear and tear so to speak.
Hope this helps a little
Love Dizzy Dawn x

14-04-05, 09:37

Yeah Ive been living with constant non stop dizzyness for past 2-3 years!!

Its not all done to anxiety, had tests at the hospital and there is somthing wrong with my inner ear so waiting for MRI scan, but my dizzyness gets worse when im anxious, so it definatly contributes to it.

Tatty B xx

14-04-05, 09:38
Oh yes, the dizziness is always there when I feel panicky..:D

14-04-05, 14:55
Hi there,
Dizziness is the only symptom of my anxiety that i still can't cope with, it still scares me, just in case i faint or whatever, the only thing that helps me is to know that i'm not alone in this and that it is 'only' anxiety. It's hard though, and as previously said it gets me at times when i least expect it to, sometimes when i'm not even feeling that anxious.

14-04-05, 17:34
Should have mentioned that like Tattybear I have an 'organic' reason for my dizziness too. Hospital tests proved I had suffered from Labrynthitis and this had caused a 60% loss of balance in my right ear. Hence me getting the balance exercises in physio. However I also know that over-breathing makes me so dizzy and so does anxiety (holding my breath). Has the Doctor told you your balance is anxiety related? If not maybe ask for balance tests.
Love Dawn x

15-04-05, 02:15
yes i did go to an ear nose and throat dr. and he said it was possibly viral labrinthitits?.....but there are no tests or proof to prove that....but being dizzy is annoying and no one believes that i am every day[V]

15-04-05, 08:45
The hospital wired my head up to a machine (it didnt hurt) and moved me about in various positions and then put me in a dark room etc. They got loads of computer read outs from these experiments to prove my per-centage loss of balance. Maybe ask for these tests - it is reassuring to know there is a reason for your dizziness. Have you tried the exercises I mentioned. They really help.
Love Dawn x

15-04-05, 11:30
Hi DizzyD

Yeap, I had an appointment wit ENT doc, then a while later had a balance test which showed an abnormality in one ear...so ive gotta have an MRI scan on my ears and also my thyroid as this is enlarged....so im now on a waiting list for these!! It doesnt help having to deal with that dizzyness and then also the heightened dizzyness through anxiety! Bt there is definatly a differnce in the type of dizzyness.

Do you just have physio now then to help with your balance?

Tatty B xx