View Full Version : I'm really worried

05-06-08, 10:29
Hi Everyone

I'm getting in a panic again. From time to time I get a dull ache/pain in my shoulder blade (mainly the left one). I've had this on and off for years now but my health anxieties are so bad at the moment I'm convined I have lung cancer. All my worries revolve around throat/lung cancer. I used to smoke but gave up a year ago. I'm in good health but this in my shoulder blade is really bothering me. It started the other night when I was out on a bike ride, it lasted all evening. I got it again last night out on a walk but it soon went off. I have it now just sat here in front of the computer. I've been to the docs about it in the past and he said it definately wasnt lung cancer. I have a chest xray last September which was clear but I'm still worrried. Does anyone else suffer from these symptoms?


05-06-08, 10:37
hi there my hubby gets this at times and its muscular u can even get it if u sleep akward, dont worry hun u r fine hugs xxxxx

05-06-08, 19:13
Hi hun,

I know its hard for you, but please try not to worry.

I have had this on and off for mmmm, not sure really, more than a year.
I have however noticed when I get it most,

At the pc,
Out shopping when carrying bags, the bag does not have to be heavy, just my handbag, but if I'm out for long periods of time, ohhh boy, my shoulder kicks off, mine is my on the right side.

I had a back massage awhile ago, I never said anything about my shoulder pain, ach, as he was doing the massage he pointed right in the place where I get the pain, ach and said that the muscul was all knotted up.

Mine can last for a few hours, but always goes.

I try not spend to much time on the pc and as for going shopping, I have started wearing a bum bag, not very trendy, but it does help, ohhh untill, I buy to many things then have lots of bags LOL annnndddd an ach, pain in my shoulder.

I do use relaxation cd's, mmmm and I have been seen rubbing by shoulder against the end of a door are the end of a wall to try and massage the muscul LOL
I do have a hand held massager which helps unknot the muscul, but it can be Bl**dy painfull.

Hope this reasures you a little hun, BIG hugs to you


06-06-08, 13:02
Thank you for your replies, I'm trying to stay positive today :-)


06-06-08, 21:05
Hi Vinny :D :hugs:

How is your shoulder blade today?

Its good to hear your trying to stay postive hun, thats great :yesyes:

What I found helped with anxiety symptoms like this, was to find out the reason, for me, this problem is caused by tention, tention over a number of weeks months even years, it can build up and before you know it, ohhhh boy, pain ach.

I found helped was undertanding why, I feel for myself, I just did'nt know how to relax. If you think of positive pathways forward with this problem you can learn how to manege this. eg,

Relaxation cd's
gental streaching excersis
ohh getting someone to massage your back, hehe, lovely LOL

When your mental attatued changes towards this symptoms and the symptoms is less threating, ohh boy, this helps soooo much. It is not easy changing the way we think, but with alot of hard work, time and support, it IS possible.