View Full Version : scared at work, help

05-06-08, 11:01
Ok, I am really quite scareded and could do with some advice. last night i had a bottle of cherry coke and well caffiene sets me off so i went into major panic but really drawn out for like a couple of hours. I finally settled to sleep about 1ish. I woke up at half 6 for work and as the day is going on i am feeling progressively worse. I have blurry vision at times, my head feels really heavy and like my forehead is being stretched sideways, my tummy is feeling funny and I just wanna run out my office. My other half thinks it is just tiredness but I feel like something is really wrong. I have taken my rescue rememdy but that hasnt worked so is it something serious? or is it just tiredness/panic? could realy do with the advice as I am proper scared.

05-06-08, 11:12
Hiya Jeni

I am sitting in work at the moment going through the same thing, I have just returned after 14 weeks off with anxiety and depression. it will probably wear off soon you are probably over tired.

Love and Best wishes


05-06-08, 11:24
yes i too think it has something to do with lack of sleep.hope this puts your mind at rest i do try and drink less with drinks that have a lot of caffeine in it xx

05-06-08, 11:32
thanks. i do tend to avoid drinks with caffiene in. i dont know why i was so stupid yesterday to have it. i thought i would be ok. I am now just aching though and every time i look down i feel like my eyes are rolling back in my head. it is horrid. i so think something is seriously wrong with me.

Well done for going back to work. God, you must think i am well out of order asking for advice when you have clearly been through worse than me. I know how horrible it is feeling anxious and depressed at work though and you are so very strong to come back. If you have made that first step then you will be fine.

05-06-08, 11:43

Ive been knackered for various reasons over the past few days and my anx has gone up at work even had a mild panic at one point. This is I know for me entirely due to needing a good sleep. try to lay off the caffeine to if you can. Im lucky to be off sat sun and mon this weekend so guess what Ill be doing? sleeping LOL

Pooh x

05-06-08, 12:00

Never out of order hun, just glad to help, I have a very stressful job and to be honest I work in mental health I am trying to get my bearings back and manage this bloody anxiety at the same time, its horrible isn't it depersonalisation, panicking etc etc.

I have just been talking to one of the drs and she is recommending that I go for an aromotheraphy massage???????? Annoyed that I haven't been prescribed meds from my g.p I have been referred for CBT therapy on the NHS which is due next couple of weeks, my dr friend said I should be grateful I have a good g.p whom has just not simply handed me a prescription!!!!!!!
This is little comfort when you are in the middle of somewhere just wanting to get home without dropping dead or making a show of yourself.

She also recommends laying off the coke and coffee try herbal teas and fruit juices etc. Someone has left a packet of herbal tea on my desk and to be honest it smells like ****** god knows what it tastes like!

She also has left the office to find me a book called mind over mood that she said if she could afford it she would buy one for all her patients and give them a copy.

05-06-08, 13:24
i dont know why i was so stupid yesterday to have it. i thought i would be ok.

You're not alone. We get to feeling really good and think, "hey! I'm back to my old self again!". So we sometimes do things that we pay the price for later.

I was the king of caffeine. Always jacked up and strutting around like the cock o' the walk. Stopped cold turkey in Jan. of this year. I do miss it at times.

05-06-08, 15:22
yeah i work in a hopsital too. It is tough actually. I clearly have health anxiety and whilst i have been temping have moved round a few offices convincing myself I have got what I am typing about. A few months ago it was DVT, then kidney disease, now diabetes! Thing is the symptoms can be so vague, you know, like lethargy, achey, blurry vision, all things i get when i am tried and/or panicky! so I manage to convince myself i am gonna get all these things and die. so stupid. The only comfort i get from working here is that at least if something bad happens i am already in the hospital!!!

I drink a lot of camomile at home and tend towards squash nowadays at work (topped up with lots of rescue rememdy!) but yeah, like you said never2late, you htink you are back to your normal self and what is one small bottle of coke gonna do? then cause you have been off it for so long it kicks in scarily.

I have heard lots about the CBT but how do you go about getting it?

05-06-08, 15:25
Hiya Jeni

05-06-08, 15:47
jeni, go to your GP, they will give you advice about CBT. Good luck. xx