View Full Version : Another generic intro post- helloo!

05-06-08, 13:14
Hi to you all! I guess I should introduce myself and whatnot so here goes.
I'm a 31 year old who has suffered from moderate to severe anxiety and panic attacks for a long time now - over 10 years (following one specific incident)and have only in the last year or so tried to fight back in a concerted way. I spent many years trying to deal with it myself as I felt embarrassed to seek help but slowly (far too slowly!) realised that I needed help.
I've had fantastic support from my friends and family throughout, even while I've been dealing with my problems in destructive ways (mainly using alcohol to try and block out the panic) and am hoping to repay them one day by becoming in charge of the whole world, or something.
As it stands, I have recently begun CBT (4 sessions), have taken aggressive control of my drinking and as I sit here have just taken half of a diazepam tablet that the GP prescribed as a stop-gap. I'm way too scared to take the whole thing and it's taken me a whole week even to do this so...yay for me I guess :) .
Anyway, I'm sure that's way too much information. I hope to be semi active on the forums though on past experience I'm always much more of a lurker:shades: .
That's all for now, take care and hope to meet and get to know some of you along the way!


05-06-08, 14:11
welcome chap :)

05-06-08, 14:14
Hello and welcome to NMP Steve :)

I suffer with panic attacks, along with agoragphobia, so I know how frightening etc they can be.

I am sure that you will find plenty of good advice etc on here, and get to make some new friends along the way too, who truly understand you.

Kaz x

05-06-08, 14:14
Hey Steve

Welcome to NMP :)

So you're thinking of taking over the world eh? Better watch out for you! ;)

You'll get loads of advice and support on here so keep posting. Well done for starting CBT as well.

Jo xxxxx

05-06-08, 21:06
Hi Steve,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

05-06-08, 22:13
Hi Steve and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

05-06-08, 22:19
hi steve and welcome its great that u have been brave enough to tell us yr issues and problems and that the first step, you will get lots of good advice and support here and make friends too, this site has helped me loads hugsxxx

05-06-08, 23:00
Hiya Steve :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes: . You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. hope to talk to you soon in the chat room.

take care.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


06-06-08, 00:32
Helo Steve And Welcome..wish Ya Well.......linda

06-06-08, 09:48
Move over.... world domination IS MINE!! lol that said........

welcome along to Nmp and lurk away or feel free to chat lol

Pooh x

06-06-08, 18:03
Hi Steve,

Welcome to the site. You will find that many here understand how you feel and you will get support.

Many hugs,


milly jones
06-06-08, 18:06
welcome to nmp steve

glad to meet u

milly x

06-06-08, 22:34
Wow, thanks for the warm welcome folks! As was mentioned, I think that actually joining support groups such as this is quite a big step - I used to freak out even thinking about looking at forums concerning anxiety but so far I've found it more reassuring. I spent a long time in a cocoon of my own making where I convinced myself that I was the only person in the world who felt this panicked all the time. Ooh I was silly :D .