View Full Version : Funny Vision

05-06-08, 13:15
Oh this is really getting me down, my vision is getting worse I am sure or I am or focused on it.

It looks/feels like I have floaters or looking though water so hard to explain. I have been to opticians and eye doctor and they can not find anything major wrong etc.

Either I have anxiety all the time and it effects my sight or there something very wrong.

Thanks for reading and me going on for a change.

05-06-08, 13:56
I started having vision difficulties when my health anxiety and panic attacks started as well. Basically, I started seeing what appeared to be transparent spots, which moved when I moved my eyes, especially when I was outside or in the office, with luminescent lighting or when I was particularly anxious. The problems were primarily in my left eye. Needless to say this scared me. I tried not to pay attention for a couple of weeks but then I decided to go get checked out.

I had a bunch of tests done and the eye doctor said that everything was normal and I just had floaters in my left eye and that they have probably been there for a while. She said that it was very common for people to just suddenly become aware of them and that my brain would eventually adjust again if I stopped paying attention. I actually did get adjusted to the floaters and don't really notice them that much anymore, just sometimes.