View Full Version : Any suggestions anyone ?

05-06-08, 19:07
I was on BBC Look North (TV) a few weeks ago because I was one of the low paid workers who lost out due to the governments tax mess up. I have 2 jobs but the cost of living is now higher then my salary. In the interview someone said that things would be put right for the people like my who had lost out.

Well things haven't got better in fact they have got worse for me, I am on the Housing List with the Council, but have been advised it could be a while before something becomes available, anyway I was paid last week and after paying my rent, rates, tv licence etc I now have £23 left until my next payday, and I have to feed and cloth myself out of that. I don't have any credit cards or debt so the only cut backs I can now make are not paying my car tax insurance etc and then I will be breaking the law. I can’t get rid of my car as I leave my full time job at 4.30pm and start my next job at 5.30pm and public transport can not get me from one job to my other in that time. I now have to give up my house and ask my Mum if I can go back home (fancy 46 years old and I have to go back to my Mum how embarrassing can life get!!!!!). Anyway I went to the Council today and said that I cant afford to support myself anymore and I think I will have to go back to my Mums (that's if she will let me) I asked the Council would I be able to move up in the banding list and maybe get something a bit quicker?

Wait for it...................

If I go live with my Mum I am making myself homeless and the Council wont be able to help me, but if I sit it out and get into debt with my landlord until he evicts me I will move up the housing list.

No wonder I am suffering with stress and anxiety I just can’t win, I can’t support my self anymore so want to move out and try and get some money behind me but if I do I am making myself homeless and I won’t get a council house.

So is it this Country going mad or is it me ?? I don't WANT TO GO INTO DEBT Any suggestions.

milly jones
05-06-08, 19:19
sorry hun no help but hope a hug will suffice for now

welcome to nmp

milly xxxx

05-06-08, 19:36

Have you tried claming housing benefit/council tax benefit, try it online,
also if you are still having attacks have you tried claiming DLA.

You could also try applying for Tax credits if you get DLA Disabled tax credits.

Dont listen to them at the housing, they told me the same thing many years ago now and i made myself homeless then had to go in a homeless family house and wait 3 months. If i went to my sisters i was classed as being housed, now i own my house because i went down to the town hall to speak to an advisor.


05-06-08, 19:45
Ohhhh don't get me started on this subject, No it's not you going mad it's just that Central government seem incapable of joined up thinking and unfortunatly Councils have to abide by the laws set by Parliament.
Housing and benefits systems are the two things I've been battling for changes to for all my working life.
There are so many injustices and, pure stupidity that need to be changed , I've recently retired but I'm not giving up the fight to get things changed.
I asume you have made a claim for Housing/council tax benefit and Working tax credits.

If your mum is claiming housing/council tax benefit, your return to her home might effect the amount she receives.
There's a website here that will work out all the benefits you are entitled to -
You have my all my sympathy

05-06-08, 22:37
Hi Joolz,

Yep, the country is definitely going mad! :mad: There is absolutely no shame if you have to go and live with your mum, you sound like a really level-headed and sensible bloke to me. The fact you can't get the help you need from your council is disgusting. I'm afraid the only advice I can offer is to check out this website www.clsdirect.org.uk (http://www.clsdirect.org.uk) which has loads of great info on this sort of thing.

Take care,

Mike :)

05-06-08, 23:00
Just another thought - have you tried contacting any housing associations in your area ? they usually have more properties than councils and the rents are about the same as council rents.

try here -


05-06-08, 23:13
Hey Joolz!

This country is definantly going mad!! When people who try to support themselves are given no credit and assistance when things get tough - but others who have never supported themselves and have bled dry the system get things handed to them on a golden platter it makes you sick!!:mad:

Have you checeked whether you are entitled to any income top ups like working tax credits - single persons allowance for things like council tax. The citzens advice bereau are really helpful to ensure you are getting all you are entilted to.

Also have you considered speaking to your local councilor - they are elected to help their consituancy and you would be surprised how a call from them can make the local authority take note!

My thoughts are with you - I know we seem to be going through money so much quicker in light of all the increases in the cost of living - a shame the hard working people like ourselves that pay full wack for everything are the ones that suffer!!:lac:

06-06-08, 08:42
Hi All

Thanks for all your replies and I have some new websites to look at thanks to you lot just one thing Mike I am a female well I was the last time I looked lol :yesyes:

06-06-08, 09:40
HI Joolz!

When I seperated from my ex hubby in Dec 2002 I moved in with my parents. My bought house sat empty because neither of us lived there and I continued to pay the mortgage. At my parents I was considered to be adequately housed as they have three bedrooms and would have waited an indefinate period of time for a council house of my own. So in March 2003 I declared myself homless just after the sale of my house. Due to various cock ups I waited a year and a half in homeless accomodation before getting a fabby housing association house. Youve never seen a housing dept move as fast as mine did at my local council when they realised their error lol
With housing associations too, you tend to find that the points system is fairer than the local councils and you can find yourself further up their list than the councils.

Tips: apply for all benefits, you never know what you may be entitled to
get application forms in with all local housing associations as well as your local council. And moving into homeless accomodation will USUALLY move you forward much faster to getting your own place.
If you have been using the services of any support services get them to write you a supporting letter.

Good Luck

Pooh Oh! and welcome along to NMP! x

06-06-08, 18:02
Hi Joolz,

Welcome to the site. I do not have any answers for you as I live in another country. However, you will find that many here understand how you feel and you will get support.

Many hugs,


07-06-08, 06:51
Hi all

Think I have found the answer to my problems....... If I ask my part time employers to sack me I can get help from the government with housing costs, council tax benefits etc which will mean I can stay in my house (too afraid to call it home yet) The problem I have got now is I have never been sacked before and I am having problems getting my head round that one :mad:

The tax system is corrupt in our Country (sorry to them who dont understand the British ways as you live in another Country) and the system will help me if I lie and cheat anyone know of any websites to teach me to be devious :yahoo:

Cathy V
07-06-08, 13:59
Hiya jools, good to meet you. I must admit i'm out of the system now that i live in germany. I think alot of the taxes and benefits etc seem to be similar here, and everyone moans about the petrol hikes as we do in uk, but a recent battle with the uk government for me has been to do with my daughter who goes to uni in wolves. I was a single parent for some years before i met the chap i live with over here, and so now obviously my circumstances have changed so ive had to fill in all the forms in support of her application for student finance.

There are two forms ok? one for someone calssed as Independent, and another for the Dependents. The criteria for being Independent are: if youve lived alone for more than 3 yrs, if you're over 25 or if you have nothing to do with your parents. So my daughter, who is 20 and lives in england and looks after herself financially with an evening job, keeps her own car on the road, buys her own food etc, and only visits me here during hols is calssed as Dependent because she still has a connection to me. which means that i have to tell them everything about me and my life and this includes my partners income here. I was a little embarrassed about asking him to fillin a form declaring his life to the british gov. He says the german gov pay parents if kids go to uni here and their child benfit stays on until theyv got their degree.

Ok so weve been told that we dont earn enough to have to pay the 3,000 pounds a year for tuition fees for her and its great that she now gets the fees paid by the gov, but the point is that if she doesnt live with me any more, shes 20 and lives her own life, why is she not classed as Independent? why is the min' age 25 for this? after all shes applying for a student loan that SHE will have to pay back, not me. So why do they need to involve me anyway? Dont get me wrong, i help her all i can and send her some money when i can afford to, but i cant afford to pay this kind of money, so its the system that doesnt make any sense. So if id stayed as a single parent in uk then all id have to do is get the form stamped and bobs yer uncle...fees paid no probs!

Cathy :)

07-06-08, 19:33

Nice to meet you also thanks for your reply, this country has been run by idiots for a long time the only problem is that if Labour go we dont have anyone to vote for that is "people who understand real life" that is :mad:

I am sure there is a man somewhere sat in an office thinking how can I take more money from hard working people without them noticing :shrug:

I would put a price on his head..... but cant afford it right now :roflmao:

Shall we try and get a collection going? :yahoo:


Cathy V
07-06-08, 19:49
Hahahaha! at least we can try to keep our sense of humour...:D I think they should seriously think about putting ordinary men and women as heads of the country, people who have lived life in reality and not in a cosy protected private school or 'want for nothing' home life. People who know how it feels to struggle, or how it feels to try and run a small business with not much support from the gov. It almost like they dont want us to get anywhere, or to succeed...makes me so mad.

Do you know ive got 6 points on my driving licence coz got caught twice in one year on cameras, 1st doing 38 in a 40 zone , then doing 50 in 40 zone (I was overtaking a tractor at the time and the road was completely clear both ways). I was mortified coz been driving since a young girl with no probs, no claims bonus always fine and now im a 54 yr old driving maniac according to the powere that be. Those big signs that flash the speed limit at you are great, they work and make you pay attention but of course they dont generate any revenue do they!

I know there are alot of ppl out there that do go mad in cars and these are the ppl its all aimed at supposedly, but it doesnt deter themdoes it? we're the easier targets i suppose.

Rant over
Take care
Cathy xxx :noangel: