View Full Version : breathing again!!

14-04-05, 11:41
hi its me again
can anyone relate to this atall, i could be sat down, occupying my mind with knitting or someut, when all of a sudden ill zoom straight in to my breathing, and it feels like im going to stop, its like i havent been thinking about it and realise i havent if you see what it mean i hope someone can help
luv sue xx:(

14-04-05, 11:49
Hi Sue

yes Im the same with my breathing

Somtimes i focus on it constatly, other times when im not focused on it....I then remember about it and think my breathings not right....which doesnt make sense as if im not thinking about it its fine...so its all just donw to anxiety.

When I start thinking about it I just try to focus on somthing else and put all my concentration into that instead :D

Tatty B xx

14-04-05, 11:53
I used to always focus on my breathing and would get scared that it wasn't right. As soon as you find yourself thinking about it, jump up ans start to do something else that will take your mind off it..:D

14-04-05, 12:51
Hi Sue,

I'm the same I focus on my breathing alot and worry I'm going to stop then i get into a right panic. Hubby says don't worry if you did stop breathing you wouldn't know anyway! Bless him so helpful NOT! LOL

It's all part of the anxiety and the more you think about it the worse it can become. I try to distract myself and keep busy this ususally helps!

Take care,