View Full Version : Have i got Schizophrenia???

06-06-08, 10:07

I don't know if anyone can help - but i hope so.

where to start?? about 4 years ago life got too much and i was constantly feeling low, i was having uncontrollable behavioral patterns such as feeling fine one minute then the next second i flipped to feeling angry and upset over the slightest thing. i would cry uncontrollably for days and have trouble breathing, i was having frequent panic attacks and palpitations daily and i eventually found some courage to go to my GP.
my GP sent me to a local Mental Health Trust who at first seemed OK as it was good to be able to talk to someone but then after a few months i grew to resent and fear the place. i had regular hourly sessions with the duty team but i became more anxious each session as there was no continuity - i never saw the same person and felt i was having to constantly start from the beginning over and over again and getting nowhere as there was never any feedback or help suggestions.
i eventually got referred to a consultant psychiatrist who prescribed medication - paroxitine (if i remember right) i went up to the highest dose but i felt worse and had physical shakes every day. my medication was then changed to fluoxitine and again i was put up to 60mg which did help ease my shakes but didn't change the way i was feeling or my moods. At this point i was feeling very low very depressed very anxious and very upset that the place i had been sent to for help had done nothing to 'actually' help me. i had an outburst of anger panic and tears all in one go where i was in a really bad state - in front of the psychiatrist, i told her that all i wanted was some help and i wanted to know after 2 years of waiting when i was going to receive some? to which she replied in her black and white tone that people there were trained to deal with seriously mentally ill people and there was nothing they could do to help me! she made me feel like i was a lier even though the week before she had changed my medication to venlafaxine 175mg and referred me to a psychologists waiting list. Her saying that completely wiped out the very little self worth i had left and i decided i was never going back there. i felt like maybe they all thought i was wasting their time and i was inconveniencing them. that was a year and a half ago and i have been struggling desperately to get through each day since. The only good thing i feel came from all those sessions was it gave me time to think of only me and talk about only me, with that i discovered i had been suffering in silence since early teens and i felt that it all started in childhood - which made a lot of sense at a time where nothing made sense.

The thing is (and getting back to my initial question) for the past 6 months the voices in my head have been getting worse. for a while now i have had voices sometimes my own and sometimes a male voice. i just did my best to ignore it best i could but on really bad days i couldn't leave the house or face being around people especially those closest to me. The male voice used to be quite a strong demanding tone telling me that I'm worthless and to end my life - somehow i found strength and i argued this as i believed my children needed me and i needed them, he has also told me to run away many many times leaving my husband and children behind as they would be better off without me - i have again argued this and not done it but a few times i have almost done it. over time i feel these arguments must have helped as the male voice is still there but he is not so strong in tone but he is more frequently there telling me i am being followed, i am being watched, that I'm going to get attacked ect. i feel he has compromised on the ending life as instead he tells me to hurt myself - which upsets me and i cannot always control, in the last 6 months i have drawn blood from my arm twice and cut the word help into my arm 2 weeks ago which now looks like a scar and i suspect will be with me for a long while. this is done not in order to end life, the word my head uses frequently is 'pain transference'. i thought voices in the head were normal until i recently found out that your own voice in your head is normal but a voice of the opposite sex is not - which has raised the scitzophreic quesion.

i don't know anything about scitzophreia but when mentioned I've always thought it was a condition where 1 person has 2 or more personalities people controlling their life?
The condition 'scitzophenia' has started worrying me today as i have consistently told my therapists and GP that i feel like i am 2 people and one of me is hiding behind a mask that i put on to get through each day while the other me is sitting inside empty lonely and crying in pain. the mask enables me to leave the house to take my children to school and put on a fake smile to the other mums, the mask enables me to go food shopping without a panic attack, engage in short conversations, appear normal to society by doing the bare minimum of what is expected of me and worst of all appear normal to my family. The me inside just wants help and until that help comes it just wants to be left alone, avoid people, not get up in the morning, not leave the house, not talk, not eat, not drink, not be alive at times - sometimes this overwhelms me and i don't leave the house or talk to people for days but knowing my kids need to have a normal life forces me to do things. worst of all is i don't know which one is the real me? i used to believe i was the one hiding away and when i got the right help i would be able to stop using the mask but thinking about it today has made me question that because the masked side seems to have more strength and courage the majority of the time?

Today i got my appointment through to see the psychologist for cognative therapy on Friday 13th. I'm hoping this will be the help i have waited desperately so long for but i also feel terrified that if i tell him about the voice and my harming that ill be sent to a mental institution which i strongly believe will tip me over the edge to suicide as without my children i have no purpose to live. i suppose i will just have to see how i feel when i see him??

I'm sorry to have babbled on so long and i hope there is someone still awake out there to reply, i would really appreciate advice on schizophrenia and on how to tell the psychologist without getting whisked off in a white coat, lol.

Many thanks x

06-06-08, 10:19
hi there and you have been very brave writing all this down so welldone, i think the cbt you are going to be having will be really great for you and tey will not lock u up for telling them honestly how you feel. just the fact you know you have a problem and need help and you havent actually done anything as such even with u saying about this voice, i think you should just be totally honest cos i have cbt too and you only get out of it wot u put in and u ave to be very honest, they wont judge and they see all sorts of different problems every day. i dont know much about schizophrenia but i know that cbt will help u understand why these things happen. so please dont worry hugs xxx

06-06-08, 11:29
Thanks for your reply Donna

ive been having a very bad week and i needed to tell someone as keeping it bottled up is hurting me more. all i am hearing all day every day in my head is 'hurt yourself - you'll feel better' but because i am resisting this i am feeling worse but i know i have to resist. i keep trying to think of alternatives but drawing on myself with ink or squeezing ice just isnt enough. i have even been looking for ideas on the net for a new tattoo as the pain from having a tattoo has helped me twice before when things have got tough for me - but i need to try avoid that if possible cause i dont want to end up in my 80's having my whole body covered in tattoos because each time i needed to feel pain i got one done to ease my pain.

milly jones
06-06-08, 11:46
hun u need to bare all to someone and get some help

we have a sane helpline 08457678000

and mental health CALL 0800132737

i live in wales and these are the numbers i use if i need help to talk

my gp would be my first point of call and demand u need help hun

all my love milly xx

06-06-08, 11:51
hi again milly is right i think u really need to talk to someone as this can be sorted out u just need the right help, we can support you here while u get the help hun, so give them numbers a ring and have a chat and keep us posted hugs to u xxxx u are not alone ok xxxx

06-06-08, 12:04
Hi :) I'm sorry but I don't know anything about Schizophrenia, but I do agree with both Donna and Milly in that you need to tell someone, everything that you have told us...they won't put you in a mental hopsital, because as you have said, you have done nothing!!

You say a voice tells you to hurt yourself, and that you have self-harmed. Please,please please try to resist this too, as I was/am a self harmer and once you start doing that, trust me it is a very vicious circle to break.

Sending you big hugs :hugs:


06-06-08, 12:36
Thank you for your repplies i really do appreciate your time.

i have to force myself to leave the house in a minute to get my son to nursey and then i will come home back to the quiet and give those numbers a call, ill keep you posted.

thanks again

06-06-08, 13:05
welldone zoe u will feel better after, let us know how u get on xxx and u will be fine honestxx

08-06-08, 14:03
Yes, as someone said, you need to talk about it. I did read that hearing voices is much more common than previously thought - several percent of the population I think, and most had no problems from it - so it definitely doesn't make you schizofrenic.

CBT will teach you how to breathe and some tricks about how to think - it solves absolutely nothing more serious than snake phobias - by all means try it but since you probably have no illusions about getting well in 12 sessions in any case (which you won't) going for something more long-term is the best option.

08-06-08, 17:24
Firstly, I would say to you not to self diagnose. Voices in the head usually rings alarm bells of schizophrenia but that does not necessarily mean that. Having CBT is good, but your therapist will not be able to diagnose.
The advice of calling Sane is an excellent idea. They will be able to talk you you through your fears.

I have had voices in my head and they do, in my case, come from mental illness. In my case, it is bi polar mood disorder and having a psychotic episode. It is very unpleasant I know. I am in no way of losing my children. No one wants you to have this happen. The things that have happened to me and I thought my children would be taken away, but it has never happened.

Please take a trip to your GP. I realise it is hard after the appalling treatment you have had at the hands of your mental health team but maybe one of those lines you called would be able to advise you about an advocate?


12-06-08, 01:04
This doesnt sound like schizophrenia to me, but I can understand that hearing voices is very distressing and frightening for you. SANELINE is a good organisation to talk to and maybe try the Hearing Voices Network -on Google - theymay be able to put you in touch with someone in your local area. CBT is an excellent way forward as is counselling, and as someone else said, you will get out of it what you put in. I wish you well on your journey.

12-06-08, 02:57
I care for my wife who suffers from schizophrenia. I know the illness affects people in different ways and although I'm not a professional, based on what I know about the illness, I am Not convinced that the symptoms you describe are symptoms of schizophrenia.

This is difficult to explain but to my knowledge, when a person suffers from schizophrenia, the voices they hear are "real" to them so they don't question what the voices are saying because the sufferer loses any sense of reality.

When my wife heard voices, she never questioned what she was hearing or what they were saying because to her they were "real" just like any other normal thought and so she totally believed them as being "real". She was unable to realise she was actually hearing a voice so there was nothing I could say to help her rationalise what she thought she was hearing because to her it was "normal" to hear the voice. For instance she would say that the hot water boiler was talking to her and really believed that someone she knew was in there when it was impossible but there was nothing I could say to convince her.

I honestly feel that what you're experiencing isn't schizophrenia but it's very important you tell your therapist about these thoughts so that they can determine the correct diagnosis because only then can they prescribe the correct treatment for you but it won't mean they'll put you in hospital. They would only consider it for your own and others safety if they felt you were a danger to yourself or others.

I don't know your history but my pure guess would be that the voice you're hearing is based on something bad that happened in your past that has caused you to dislike yourself so much.

I'm Sure though that once they put you on the right medication, you'll start feeling alot better so to help them prescribe the right medication, it's important you tell them about these symptoms so they can determine the correct diagnosis. :hugs:

milly jones
12-06-08, 11:34
hi zoe

really glad u saw this one bill, its been niggling me

how are u doing zoe?

did u get any help?

take care milly xx

12-06-08, 12:42
Do you daydream? if you do then you will know how you can visualise situations in your mind where you can see, hear, and interact with people. Now the difference between normal daydreaming and schizophrenia, is that with normal daydreaming you know that's all it is, a daydream. But with schizophrenia, you don't know. Reality is fragmented with schizophrenics, they can't distinguish between what is reality and what isn't.

13-06-08, 11:47
My heart goes out to anyone suffering from something like this, it must be annoying. I had a friend who was diagnosed withschizophrenia, although we had grown apart before I learned of his problem. I'd like to reassure you that you are nothing like this friend of mine and I think it's great that you rationalise and bat out the negative words that the voice you are hearing speaks.

I mean, you just need to look at it like this . . . this voice is a manifestation of all your negative thoughts and ideas that you have bottled up. So you really need to address the whole thing in an amicable manner.

You are stressed out and feel unsure, I mean, it happens and unfortunately you've wound yourself up into a state where you are questioning your sanity. Just step out of the racing emotions for a while and breath, admire the big picture and maybe you'll see clearer where you fit in.

I mean, you're a mother, you have the kids to look after and of course they need you. You can get strength from that.

I'm not really a specialist in this area and my experience of anything like this was a couple semesters of psychology.

I'm really just average joe telling you that you'll be alright.

That's why this site is so cool. You can spend endless amounts of money on medications and therapy and rehabilitation centres, which may be necessary, yeah . . . but when it comes down to it, I agree with Craig Ferguson when he said something like, the best medication is talking to people who are in the same situation as you are, just communication . . . it doesn't cost a penny.

Anyways, hope you feel better.

13-06-08, 12:52
i hope your well soon god bless never give up

27-06-08, 21:54
Just necromancing this thread (er.. bringing it back from the dead)... in case anyone searches for 'hearing voices' and wants some reassurance, I'll just add that I used to hear voices, and it wasn't a sign of mental illness.

Well, extreme stress maybe: and I should probably have seen a counsellor. But I had them for a few years from my late teens to early twenties, mainly when I was doing painting or artwork.

I knew they were hallucinations, and got rid of them by turning the radio up really loud (and I stopped doing art). However it astonishes me to this day how much those voices fitted the stereotype. That is, they talked about 'evil' (and I don't even believe in 'evil'). I think Bill (so wise as always) is right to say they probably represent something critical of yourself that you have internalised. My voices were a gaggle of people commenting on my artwork, and I could hear their disapproving intakes of breath every time I put a line on the page, and it seemed everything I drew was the worst most evil thing.


I'm puzzling now where that came from, but I do know someone in my life was always insisting I got things exactly right, and I was afraid of diverging even a little from that...

Anyway, yeah, I am one of those people who gets hallucinations sometimes but is definitely not schizophrenic.

03-02-11, 06:48
hi im a skitzophrinic and i found the medecation syprexa help me a lot with mood,anxiety,anger,paranoina ask ur local gp about this drug im on 20 ml and it help me a lot u wil notice help from this drug in first 2 weeks longer u get the full benefit of the drug it does wonders believe me :noangel::yesyes::bighug1:

03-02-11, 07:04
its probably best to c a gp but do ask about syprexa