View Full Version : Can't shake the light-headedness/dizziness

06-06-08, 10:49
Out of all the symptoms the light-headedness /dizziness is probably the one that affects me the most, and it is particularly pronounced this morning.

Somehow I was largely able to come to terms with the ectopics, the eye floaters don't bother me that much and the breathing issues are also better but I just can't get used to the light-headedness. For the most part, it does not scare me as much as it used to, although it still gets me pretty good sometimes, but is just plain annoying and is definitely not helping my heart anxiety.

I just can't find a way to deal with it. Sometimes, when I am walking, I feel like a drunk guy trying to go in a straight line (although I don't think that I actually sway from side to side) while also feeling like I am going to pass out at some point. This becomes particularly difficult when I am walking with someone and trying to have a conversation, as a huge part of my attention is devoted to just walking straight.

It just drives me nuts at times, like this morning, and makes me feel, for a lack of a better word, just stupid. I actually find myself dredding walking, like something as simple as going to the park or the store.

Anyone else experience this?

06-06-08, 11:22
hiya i can relate to u so much ! ive been anxfor years an this to me is the worst symptom . im feeling much betta lately but its still effecting me when out shopping i sway in queues an feel so stupid . the longer i queue the worse it gets then panic sets in then im scared of going anywhere again for days !!! life eh !!!! . all the best xx

Cathy V
06-06-08, 11:25
Nomore, you might have already said in a previous post somewhere, so sorry for my ignorance but can you tell me if you're on any meds or if youve had yr blood pressure checked recently?

Cathy xxx

06-06-08, 11:47
Hi Cathy, no I am not on any meds. I've check my blood pressure multiple times at home and it's normal. I've actually checked it right after coming home, while I still feel somewhat light-headed/dizzy, and it was still OK. There's also no history of low blood pressure in my family.

I've also had, about 5-6 ECGs in the last 8 months, 2 complete blood works, an echo, a stress test and a 7 day Holter. All came back normal. You would think that that would make all my fears go away. :blush:

The light-headed feeling that I get does not feel like the one associated with a drop in blood pressure (for example, when standing up suddenly). It actually feels somewhat like when you are drunk.

Cathy V
06-06-08, 13:06
How long have you had this particular symptom? i'm assuming the doc knows about it and has checked theres no middle ear infection, or vertigo etc. I believe from other ppl on here that vertigo can also be accompanied by nausea. I have to say that ive never had this kind of dizziness connected to anx, my anx tends to manifest through my heart with ectopics, breathlessness etc, but i do know that alot of members here have dizziness as acommon symptom of anx. I was just checking that you'd been checked for any problems with your ears and balance....even tho youve had loads of other tests (havent we all, i had my ltest holter test a few weeks ago) did they tell you what they think the dizziness might be?

Cathy xx

Cathy V
06-06-08, 14:45
Also ive just read a thread started by member 'gtgrl3369' about the mind playing tricks on the body and describes same prob as with dizziness/walking etc. Might be worth a look.

Cathy xx :)

06-06-08, 22:19

I can relate to this.

My main anxiety symtpom is being liteheaded. which is there on and off all day when my anxiety is high.

Its my worst anxiety symtpom

love mandie x

John seeder
26-06-08, 06:16
Yes, I can relate too. I have light headed too. Not vertigo. My blood pressure is a little on the low side, but it always has been on the low side, why is it affecting me now? I sometimes feel like passing out. I hate it.

26-06-08, 09:59
This is me - Im dizzy 24/7 and not on meds - starting them tomorrow and i bet it will make it worse

28-06-08, 05:15
I have this problem in the evening. It is usually that I have not had enough to drink that day or that I am over tired. I hate the feeling as well and it almost always brings on panic for me.

07-04-09, 22:01
i have gotten 2 ekgs.. blood tests chet xay.. been light headed all day everydayfor almost 2 months.. sometimes it i worse than others but this is what is causing my overall anxiety.

08-04-09, 07:43
Yeah i have this really bad at the moment. Feels like a huge pressure in my head complete with hot flushes and headaches. I am an anxious person but cant help thinking negative thoughts about these symptoms. Does anyone know what the most likely diagnosis is?

08-04-09, 08:25
This works for me. It's from Yoga. Cover one nostril & breathe only through the other one for a few breaths. Then swap & cover the other nostril & breathe through the one that's open for a few breaths. If one side is more blocked than the other, do more on that side & try to unblock it. If you can get it so you can breathe through both nostrils evenly it can reduce dizziness & headaches behind one eye.

Well that's what goes wrong with me anyway. My right nostril is always blocked/inflamed/whatever it is & I get dizzy & a headache behind my right eye. That breathing exercise eases it off a little.

08-04-09, 09:28
Hi, I have been feeling light headed with a vision twich from my left eye for a month or so. I also there is a feeling on the top of my head as if somebody had put their hand on it lightly. It makes me panic and makes my anxiety worse. It seems to be worse in the mornings. Can anyone relate and what do you do to make it go away?