View Full Version : A question for the women...

14-04-05, 13:02
I've been feeling fine now for about 2 weeks - anxiety not too bad etc, but since I've been suffering from GAD (nearly three months) my periods seem to be all over the place. One time they're late, another time they're early. Has anyone else experienced this? I know stress can effect them, so is that it? Health wise I'm fine (check-ups all up to date etc), so my GAD seems to be the only problem...


14-04-05, 13:36
hi Turtle,

My periods were all over the place when I first started suffering from anxiety. I think that as you say they are just being affected by stress..

Sarah :D

14-04-05, 14:54
I agree with Sarah, when you start suffering with anxiety or stress they can go abit haywire.

Mine still do ....try and take vit b complex..it might just settle it down and might make you feel abit better.
Hope it helps. Take care

with good wishes


14-04-05, 15:27
Hi Turtle
I'm 37 and you'd think my periods would be in a routine by now lol well a while back i didn't have one for 3 weeks and as i was suffering from abdominal discomfort as well i had doctor check it out. He couldn't find anything wrong and asked if i was stressed at all...........what a question to ask me lol so i reeled off a load of things and he said "yep definately stressed which can affect your periods".
So as the others have said i think anxiety is playing a big part in all this.
Take care

14-04-05, 18:51
Thanks for the words of comfort everyone! It's good to know that I haven't got anything majorly wrong with me. I suppose I just feel so let down by my body right now - what with having GAD and now this. I've gone from having periods that you could set your watch by, to not knowing when or what time they're going to appear! I think it's safe to say that you have no idea how stress and anxiety are going to affect you until you've either suffered from or are suffering from it. I'll take the advice and get some vitamin B complex (I'm willing to try anything!) but I suppose I've just got to ride it out and realise that it's just another way in which my body reacts to stress and not to look to deeply into it. After all, it only started going nuts on me at the same time I started suffering with GAD, so I guess the two really are connected.
Thanks again
Turtle [^]

15-04-05, 02:43

No you havent, its hormonal and my periods even when i was on the pill and suffering were not regular at all. So dont think there is anything more to it than that hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.