View Full Version : Call me crazy...

06-06-08, 14:10
...but i am getting really worried about myself now.

For the last 5 weeks i have had a very noticable dark circle under my left eye and not under the right one. I've also been experiencing a bizarre sensation as if the muscle under my eye (more on my cheek bone) keeps tightening up and its feeling as if its numb, but its not.

I am really scared now.

06-06-08, 16:36
I was convinced my face was going numb last month, as my forehead felt numb but was not in a way, if that makes any sense!

So I asked the shrink nurse and I was told it was tense muscles in the face, you just don't know you are doing it.(my scalp was also burning)

As for the dark circle, you are probably not drinking enough fluids and not getting enough proper sleep, am I right?

I guess to some extent understanding whats happening to your body helps but I still have a numb forehead and I am back on my meds, you just have to wait until the anxiety subsides and the symptom will dissapear, like a lot of the others.

I hope this helps, like others have helped me here.

06-06-08, 21:20
I sleep constantly. I am always tired. I do drink enough.

06-06-08, 23:06
Hi Bluebell,
Just wanted to say what a lovely garden you have----I would love mine to look like that!!!
My ex mum in law has very dark rings under her eyes and she told me it is hereditary. She also gets loads of sleep.Could this be the case with you?
I honestly dont think it will be anything to worry about---though i know when i have dark circles it is such a hassle trying to cover them with make up(lack of sleep with me!!!)
Hope you are feeling a bit better xxx

06-06-08, 23:42
Thank you!
No one else in my family has this, only me and its only been the last couple of weeks where its really noticable and as i said, under the left eye. Tonight its looking horrendous - while the right eye looks fine!

09-06-08, 10:32
Allergic shiners
Allergies - dark circles under the eyes (Allergic shiners)
Black eye - bruising in the eye
Dehydration - dark rings around the eyes
Dust allergy
Dust mite allergies - dark circles under the eyes (Allergic shiners)
Eczema - allergic shiners (dark rings around the eyes)
Hay fever - dark circles under the eyes (Allergic shiners)
Inherited eye blood vessel condition - dark circles under the eyes run in families.
Mold allergies - dark circles under the eyes (Allergic shiners)
Mold allergy
Pallor - the paleness of the skin may accentuate the dark rings.
Persistent eye rubbing
Sleep difficulty - see the many causes of sleep difficulty symptoms (e.g. stress, depression, sleep disorders, etc.).”
The Mayo Clinic has a patient information resources on the topic [2], the first two paragraphs report (see URL below for full article):
“Almost everyone gets dark circles under their eyes from time to time. Dark circles under eyes usually are temporary and not a medical concern.
You may be surprised to learn that fatigue usually isn't the cause of dark circles. Instead, the most common cause is nasal congestion. When your nose is congested, veins that usually drain from your eyes into your nose become widened (dilated) and darker.”

Nothing to worry about, it's also the anxiety making it look darker

Take care:doh: