View Full Version : Panic Attacks

06-06-08, 16:11
What can I do if mum has a panic Attack:shrug:
how can i help her

06-06-08, 16:20
If it was me having the attack, i'd want someone to sit/stand with me, possibly hug me or hold my hand and tell me that they're there for me.

Also, doing slow breathing together is really helpful. Like, breathe in 1-2-3-4-5, hold for two, then breathe out 1-2-3-4-5. Actually do it with her. It should help.

Having said that, everyone's slightly different. Have you asked her what she would like you to do?


06-06-08, 18:53
Hello Minky !
First of all you need to understand what is happening to your Mum and there is lots of info here to explain that. Most important is that a panic attack is not life threatening - although it might seem like it when your Mum is having one ! She will need lots of reassurance that she will be fine and it will pass - try to concentrate on what is happening now, not what she fears might (and never does) happen. Tell her to take a breath in and let it out slowly, and at the same time to try to let her body go loose and sag - this will diffuse some of the anxiety and tension. Stay with her, it will pass. The tell her how fantastic she is for coping with that attack because from now on she will be on the road to recovery.
Be kind to yourself