View Full Version : Is this normal?

14-04-05, 14:56
Eversince this happened my tongue has been very dirty like this whitish thing covers it ( I brush my teeth everyday i tought it was just the color of it that got it like that but then i looked at it and touched it and noticed it was dirt, i just brushed some of the stuff out. is this normal on anxiety?

Hi i'm John

14-04-05, 14:59
hi John,

I have never had that before, at least not that I have noticed. Maybe it would be a good idea to go ask your doctor about it? I'm sure it's nothing serious but am sure that you will feel better after you get it checked out..

Sarah :D

14-04-05, 17:25
Sounds like you may be very dry and short on fluids so do drink a good 8-10 glasses of water in the next 24 hours and see how you are doing, if its no better you may need some medicated mouthwash.


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15-04-05, 04:22
i drink alot tho, also today i kept twiching a lil and felt like my heart stopped beating for a second, is that normal?

Hi i'm John

15-04-05, 09:00
Hi John

Perhaps when you clean your teeth wash them in the morning and before you go to bed, also brushing your tongue too also swishing your mouth out with a good mouth wash.

I doubt very much its anything serious, probably just a matter of good dental hygine ;)

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

15-04-05, 09:33
Yes John the twitching and palipations are anxiety too

Whilst you were not eating the tongue residue built up. You may need a medicated mouth wash to help clear it.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

15-04-05, 20:02
I had a white coating on my tongue for 2 months and I have very good oral hygiene. I would even brush my tongue twice a day. This was in January and its gone now (for the most part). I also drank a lot of water during the day but I am pretty sure it is due to the anxiety because of dry mouth. I had bad dry mouth with it and mouthwash actually made it worse. In fact, when I would eat something dry (I remember this happening with Tums tablets a lot), it would actually coat my tongue even more. I believe its a part of anxiety and the fact that I worried HEAVILY about the symptoms just made it worse. Try chewing sugarless gum to moisten your mouth more...water didnt really work for me.

16-04-05, 04:45
i also been twiching my upper chest and everytime i do it it feels like my heart is gonna stop and i lose air, what is that? it doesnt affect the heart, right?

Hi i'm John