View Full Version : Worrying again today

06-06-08, 18:06
Just had to post today as not feeling too great. I have a pain on the left side of my throat/neck which is driving me nuts. I sneezed really bad yesterday and had my head turned to the right when I did it. Afterwards I had this pounding pain and it still hurts today.

I know that it was probably the sneeze that caused a muscle strain but I am felling totally panicky incase their is something major going on inside. As some of you know my Dad recently had a stroke and now I can't stop thinking about blockages/clots in the corotid artery (which is where the pain feels like it is) and I am making myself very anxious about this.

Why oh why can I not stop worrying about pains in my body. I wish I could just treat it like I should, a pain from a sneeze and move on.

Thanks for reading. Any replies would be great.


06-06-08, 18:57
Hi there.

I know how you feel. We all logically know that muscular strains and pains are all normal part of life, but when we have anxiety we turn it into something serious. I know that every pain I have I turn into a major drama in my mind until I have a serious word with myself!

Siobhan x

Ps, sorry about your dad, hope he's on the mend.

06-06-08, 19:03
Thanks Sioghan. Isn't it the most frustrating way to live though. I am sitting here worried to death about my neck/throat. Every time I lean over it pounds in there like its gonna explode and I worry more. Of course I keep doing it and tormenting myself.

I would love to have a day completely free of this, just one day.


06-06-08, 19:25
Hi Nat,
Awww sorry you too are feeling rubbish---thanks for your reply on my thread.
Firstly, how is your hol going? Are you still over here?
I am definately going to send you a card!!!
Right, I think it sounds like a muscle. I know how hard it is to believe things---I mean i now have a bump on both sides of my neck(in my mind), groin, under arm, night sweats, you name it------the whole lot that points to lymphoma but the docs have done tests and said i am ok!!!!!
Why the heck cant we think good things?
Do you have PMT cos i do and i am sure it is making me sooo much worse!!!
Anyhow, take care and catch up very soon xxxxxx

06-06-08, 19:32
Hey Jelly,

Thanks and I'm sure it is a muscle. But what worries me is the pounding feeling I have in my neck when I bend over (like I can feel my pulse multiplied 10 times if you know what I mean). Also it only hurts when I turn to the left or stretch my neck out to the right. I guess if it was something bad, it would hurt all the time.

Totally miserable and frustrated today, I just want to sit and cry.

No PMT at the moment, coming next week so something to look forward to!!

Talk soon