View Full Version : Muscle Twitches/ Vibrations

06-06-08, 22:58
Hi I am new to the forum and I have read a lot on here about twitches but still seem to think that mine are different to anxiety. I've been having them for over a year now (they started when I started on cipramil last year ,am not on it anymore) and they are very worrying. It started out with just a few but now I get them all the time. I have had them everywhere but mostly legs and feet and arms and sometimes hands. They last for anywhere from 1 to 10 seconds and you can see them. Sometimes my toe or fingers may move a bit which is most worrying. I've seen a neurologist a few months ago and he thinks anxiety but that was before when the twitches were more on the surface muscles, these seem deeper now. I haven't seen many people mention twitching in their feet on here and was wondering if anyone else gets it there or should I make another appt with my neurologist. I just don't want to go in for the exact same thing. I also get vibrations/ buzzing in my hands and legs like I"m standing next to something electric. ANd sometimes the itchy creepy crawly sensation in my legs and feet. I"m pregnant right now so dont' know if that's affecting me also. Really worried about the big diseases. How do you know when to really worry?

06-06-08, 23:41
The twitching you describe is perfectly explainable as the physical sensations that are the result of anxiety....anxiety has a profound effect on the CNS and this produces all these weird twitches, myclonic jerks and the rather strange buzzing/vibrating sensation you also have.

Be aware, these strange sensations can stay with you for a lenghty period as once anxiety has effected the CNS it can take an awfully long period for it to reset itself. It goes without saying that the more you ignore and more importantly the more you except the sensations as BENIGN the quicker the recovery and the better the quality of your life whilst they persist.

Take comfort, these senstions are incredibly common amongst anxiety sufferers and these sensations alone do not even hint at a nasty neurological disorder....your neurologist would have picked up the SIGNS and not been too concerned with SUBJECTIVE SYMPTOMS. You sound fine.

06-06-08, 23:47
The nerve endings get starved of oxygen when we don't breathe properly so we experience tingling and twitches.

The Neurologist would have found anything sinsiter.

07-06-08, 14:58
Hi, Nicola is absolutely right, neuro would have picked up on anything serious straight off. My problems started in mid-March and are still going on (though they have calmed down considerably). They will go away with time!

07-06-08, 15:12

Going off the meds you probably have more anxiety and yes it does cause the twitches. Plus pregnancy is always stressful but wonderful too.

I am on meds and still get them. My main one is under my right eye and I don't even know it is going on but then people tell me and it just looks awful to me. Then my left eye swells shut then whamo a migraine. Trust me, I've been to at least 5 neurologists and a neurosurgeon to find out about my migraines searching for relief for the pain. They would have found something with me and you too if there was anything to have been found.

If I were you I would just try to relax and enjoy the life you are growing and rest, rest, rest.

Take care,
