View Full Version : Feeling Alone

06-06-08, 23:18
Hi im Ashley and ive had GAD for a year now, ive had it before one summer a couple years ago but it just dissapeared then came back. I am 17 and i have been trying everything to help (BUT DRUGS) i refuse to take any drugs for this, i have taken anti-depressants before they made me depressed,numb and get sick.. I do not want to cover up anxiety i want to deal with it. Things i have done to get rid of it were i saw a naturalpath, and i am seeing a physciatrist. and they have helped but i still have sickness when i wake up and anxiety about things. I have overcome a lot but i need support and to know im not the only one who has this, obviously im not but no one i know has it and i feel really alone. I have a supportive family and boyfriend they help me through it but i would like to talk to people who know what im going through.
I homeschool now and im really behind in school, itd be nice if i could talk to some people around my age.

06-06-08, 23:28
hi ashley and welcome well u r definately not alone here as loads on here suffer as u do and u will gain loads of advice and support and make friends too. i have made some lovely ones on here. for 17 u seem very strong and mature and i think u will do just fine. meds do help but not the answer to all probs and i was on them for a while but came off and started exercising which helped alot and i never been on them since. goodluck and keep posting xx

07-06-08, 00:25
Hi Ashley

Just wanted to say hi and :welcome: aboard

07-06-08, 03:19
Hi Ashley,

Welcome to the site. Many here understand how you have been feeling and will give support.

Many hugs,


07-06-08, 11:43
Hell Ashley And Welcome ....i Iwsh Ya Well.......linda

07-06-08, 11:45
Hi Ashley,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

07-06-08, 11:52
Welcome to the site, you are never alone once you are a member of NMP! We all offer advice and support to all here and its a lovely site. There are also quite a few members here of your age, if you'd like to find them, why not place a message in the GAD section entitled 'calling all under twenties' or something, then you can all support each other, i know sometimes its easier to talk to those who are of a similar age espcially if you are being home schooled (which i know some of them are). But dont rule us thirty somethings out too we have had lots of experience also!!! LOL
Keep posting, you sound a strong person and your decision to try and do this without medication shows this, you will get better!!! Hugs C xxxx

07-06-08, 14:06
Hiya Ashley :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. keep posting with what ever is on your mind and we will help as much as we can.
Hope to talk to you in chat soon.

take care.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


08-06-08, 22:27
Hi Ashley and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm 24 and get sickness with my anxiety too so feel free to send me a pm and have a chat.

Take care,

Mike :)

09-06-08, 07:28
Hi Ashley

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

milly jones
09-06-08, 09:57
hi ashley

welcome to nmp

sorry im 43 so a little too old to help

i have gad and sa too

nice to meet u

milly xxxx :blush:

10-06-08, 01:26
thanx everyone