View Full Version : Anxiety and Excersizing?

06-06-08, 23:55
Has anyone felt better by working out when it comes to anxiety?
If so how much working out a day do you need to achieve feeling less anxious? I used to go to the gym all the time before i had anxiety and i went when i had it but i had an anxiety attack there one time and ever since i avoided it i try to go back sometimes but i cant stay as long as i use to so i dont know if its even working.

07-06-08, 00:08
Hi Butterfly!

I have also read that exercise helps, havent tried it myself yet but i will. Apparently yoga and meditation is also really helpful and i am quite interested to try that out as it will help to relax the body.

I think you should be very proud of yourself for going back to your gym as you have once experienced a panic attack there. It is not important if you don't stay long, try and go for a bit and then when you are comfortable with that then try and extend your time there. You will soon find that your fear of having an attack there will dissappear, as long as you keep on challenging it.

I hope any of this helps, and good luck butterfly!

07-06-08, 00:12

I think i am going to try yoga too, i heard that getting enough excersize is as efficient as an anti depressant but im not sure if thats actually true. The gym does make me feel happier but so far not less anxious probably because i dont stay long enough:unsure:

good luck to you too

07-06-08, 01:37
I was a club time-trialist (cycling) back in the 70's and 80's, and I've continued to maintain a good level of fitness throughout my life (I'm 52 now).

Exercise can and will certainly help with anxiety. There is just one important thing to remember: that exercise IS stress to the nervous system, and the body and nervous system does not differentiate between a "good" stress and a bad stress. Stress is just plain stress, regardless of where it is coming from, or the best intentions behind it.

That being said, the best approach is to not push yourself beyond your limits if you are in the process of recovering. It's a fine line, and once it is crossed, you are actually making it harder for recovery, rather than easier.

But if done with that in mind, you will begin to feel wonderful after a good session -- although its effect can be, at first, fleeting in nature.

I would also recommend one or two sessions of meditation during the day as well. It does not need to be several hours on a mountain top . . . one or two short 10 to 20 minutes sessions will work wonders.

With the exercise, keep a record of your morning pulse. If you find your pulse rate begin to increase, drop back on the exercise a little until it gets back down to your "normal" morning rate.

AND . . . be very careful with this: exercise is going to "mimick" the symptoms of anxiety and a panic attack . . . i.e. increased pulse rate and respiration, etc. -- just be ready for that, and know that it is a result from exercising, is totally normal (is what should be happening) and it is not a panic attack. Sometimes, at first, your brain may not recognize the difference -- and its up to you to help it to learn and distinguish.

Best of luck!

07-06-08, 09:45
I have tried exercise but its find an exercise I enjoy. I simply get fed up before any real good is done. Running is the biggest nightmare, how anyone enjoys that torture is beyond me.

07-06-08, 10:34
hiya i got rid of depression and most of my anxiety through exercise i started 3 times a week walking jogging etc for an hour with my ipod and that was way back now i brisk walk every day covering miles and it makes me feel great, motivated, happier, more positive and lost a stone in weight too. i would recommend it to anyone wanting to get rid of there dep or anxiety problems. you will feel really tired to start with but persevere because after a month of keeping it up u will feel great, although doing something 5 times a week i think is best for doing this as it just sets u up for the day if u can do it in the mornings. i think alot of doctors giv out to many meds for things that can be cured by other things whether it be counselling or exercise, and mayb there should be more free gym passes available for people hugs xx

07-06-08, 11:28
I have been doing exercise since january after reading that it can help anxiety, it has helped a bit because i feel sort of more in control of things on the day i do some exercise. I have also lost 22 pounds since january which has made me feel a litle better since I am now a size smaller (a 14) whereas i have been a 16-18 for years before. I dont think exercise could really cure my anxiety alone but it has helped me so see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel!

I bought the davina 30 mins video so i just do 30 minutes about 4 or 5 times a week.


07-06-08, 11:33
I take an exercise class every weekday, I find having an instructor better than the gym.

07-06-08, 11:36
hi sophie wow u should be proud of yourself girl, losing weight definately helps along with the exercise and davinas dvd is one of the good ones as there are alot of dvds that are useless so keep it up thats great hugs xxx

07-06-08, 11:41
Hi Butterfly,

Exercise- combined with a sensible diet- is a great way to counter physical symptoms and mental anxiety.It sends a positive message to your mind.
I thoroughly recommend it.
Best wishes,

08-06-08, 00:45

I walk to work daily 4 miles in total. It has worked wonders. I get cross if I dont walk to work now. I find I sleep like a baby and the aches and pains take my mind of my health anxiety as I know I should have them.

I was told by the docs that it would burn off all that excess adrenalin and it does. The only problem is If I dont exersice the adrenalin comes back and I am agitated and symptomatic.


08-06-08, 06:40
good thread,

I think , like all things, it has to be a balance, I know that when I stay away from gym , my anxiety levels go thru' definitely increase. I sit at computer all day, so that does not help.

I go in the mornings now before work, it sets me up for the whole day, gets it out of the way, & I find myself more relaxed at work. Exercise will burn that excess worry and adrenaline off, so yep, I think it helps, stimulates endorphins, bodies natural opiates.


08-06-08, 08:40
Yep - It definately helps me, so much that I'm currently training to become a Fitness Instructor.

I love it !


08-06-08, 08:57
I use the gym like other people use Prozac ;)