View Full Version : Still worrying

07-06-08, 08:46

My left leg is swollen a little, and I am def not imagining it. I went to the doctors and he examined my legs. He measured them and said they were the same in diameter, and there was no other signs of a DVT. Its just my left leg was a little bit swollen in one part, not all over. My ankles are OK and he said there is no evidence of blood pooling in my leg or anything.

He did say he was pretty sure it was nothing and maybe just the heat that had made it swell a little.

I am really worrying, am trying to think through it, he said if I got pain or it swells more to go back. But i always get pain in that leg due to the sciatica, so how am I meant to know what pain is what, :wacko:

I just want to feel normal, I don't want to be worrying :weep:


07-06-08, 11:43
Hi Emira,
This text was copied from "Health Anxiety" on the left of this page:-
Deep vein thrombosis - I'd banged my shin but had forgotten- the bruise the next day was worth it.
Usually if I get the problem you have at the moment - once the Doc has said "you are Ok" then i can be for the next day or so.
What we do (I am sure you know ) is catastrophise the problem.
My best show stopper in group therapy was;

Psychiatrist - What is your greatest fear?
me - i am out shopping, I panic and am afraid that I will die.
Psychiatrist - yes but what is the worst that can happen to you in the shop?
The group gasped in shock - it proved he had not really listened.
BUT if you can get your Doc to actually examine your problem - then they have listened and maybe you can take some comfort from that.
best wishes

07-06-08, 12:39
Hi Emira
I am sure you are fine---often one of my legs looks more swollen than the other.
This isnt a worry for me--as you know my fear is lymphoma!!!
It is such a problem this HA isnt it. I just wish i could wave a wand and it would be gone.
I too genuinely feel lumps and bumps--only for tests to be run and the results are normal(thank goodness). I then dont know what it is that i am feeling but OH says we all have lumps/bumps and stuff but i just prod and poke mine and make them swell and hurt wheras a "normal" person would leave them alone.
I dont know what to advise as i am just as bad.
This week i have found 2 new lumps ---I mean how the heck can it be possible???
Take care hunny xxx

07-06-08, 13:39
Are they insect bites?

07-06-08, 19:55
Me Ems.....

If that doc thought there was ANY chance on earth that you had DVT, you would be in hospital me darlin lass. Like all us HA sufferers, you are focusing on this particular area and thinking of the worst case senario.

Trust the doc hun
Quit worrying
Crack open a lager (it's Saturday)
and come to me quiz at 9pm

Loads of love and hugs


10-06-08, 08:00
Hey Guys

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. Well I am still in a state, this pain in my left leg is driving me nuts, and the more walking I do etc.. the worse I feel.
My anxiety is through the roof. I have butterflies, keep thinking I am going to collapse. I actually feel like I am fighting an internal battle with myself and its so upsetting, I just can't focus.

I am going to call my own doctor today, and see what she says.

I have cut down on checking my legs, but now that is because i am a bit scared to in case there is something bad there, my leg is still swollen.

I wish I knew what to do to help myself, I just want to feel OK again