View Full Version : T.M.J problems

07-06-08, 14:41
hey everyone, i just wondered if anyone knows if chewing the inside of your mouth constantly which i seem to do lately can cause aches and pains in the teeth/mouth/jaw areas?
Please Please reply ASAP
Many Thanks

07-06-08, 15:15
Hi Louise,

I think you would need to ask your dentist this question. I have been diagnosed with TMJ but that is not caused, that I know of, by chewing the inside of your mouth. I would imagine that it does hurt the inside of your mouth though. I also don't think it is good for the health of your mouth and is probably something you do without realizing it. You might need to get a mouthguard and wear it until this habit is broken. Again, contact your dentist. Good luck.

Laura xxx

07-06-08, 17:04
:ohmy: hi, i seem to have developed this habit recently! i would say 6 months, well thats how long i can remember doing it, i may have been doing it longer:shrug: anyway it isnt causing me any problems except a bit of discomfort sometimes, like the sides of my mouth may get a bit sore and yes my jaw does ache from doing it after a while now i think of it, but it isnt anything to worry about:winks: like any other habit, if you want to stop doing it you will need to work at stopping it i would have thought if it is bothering you?:yesyes:

milly jones
07-06-08, 21:50
hun i have a mouthguard made by my dentist that i use at night to stop me chewing my tongue and grinding my teeth.

dead sexy in royal blue lol


09-06-08, 01:43
I bet it is Milly.:whistles: :whistles: Mines only white!:lac:

How about chewing gum? That would stop you biting your cheeks.

TMJ is caused by clenching and grinding the teeth because it's the pressure on the jaw that causes the pains. This pain can travel from the teeth to the ears and over the head to the neck.

Alot of clenching is down without us even being aware because we clench the teeth at night when we're asleep and dreaming which is when the mouthguard should be mostly worn. It works by easing the pressure on the jaw.

Of course clenching is caused by stress and tension.

TMJ is Not caused by biting your cheeks because it's clenching (pressure) that produces the pains. I know because I suffer from it. All you might do is cause your cheeks and tongue to be sore if you bit them too deeply.:hugs: