View Full Version : Why does this keep happening...?

14-04-05, 18:13
So I've been fine for over 2 weeks now - got a temp job whilst I look for something else, which I'm really enjoying and generally feeling a lot better. Socializing with friends, going out more again and really getting back to how I was before. Then today I'm at work, just sitting at my desk minding my own business and all of a sudden out of no where this huge wave of anxiety hits me! Where did it come from? Why did it happen? I have absolutely no idea. All I do know is it took me totally off guard and I spent the rest of the afternoon worrying about it and wondering if it was going to happen again, which of course made the feelings worse. The typical GAD vicious circle.
I hate the fact that just when I think I'm getting 'back to normal' it can spring up like that again and really knock me for six, which then makes me start questioning myself - am I really ok or am I just fooling myself? Does this mean there's something more sinister wrong with me? Maybe I've got some awful disease I don't know about? Should I go to the docs and get myself checked out? The list never ends. I don't want to go back to how I was a couple of weeks ago, not going out and barely able to leave the house. I'm so SCARED of getting like that again that in a way the fear of that pushes my anxiety to the brink and almost does make me feel like that again. So right now I have the dry mouth, the churning stomach, the slightly racing mind and the tension in my chest area. I suppose I just needed somewhere to vent my feelings and maybe get a few words of comfort. Please tell me I'm not alone!

Turtle :(

14-04-05, 18:26
hi Turtle,

Unfortunately anxiety can just come out of nowhere. It often happens to me at the times when I least expect it. It does not mean that you aren't improving. You have been spending lots of your time out and about doing things which is great - don't let one rush of anxiety take that away from you..

Sarah :D

14-04-05, 18:32
Hi Turtle,
It does just come out of the blue, that awful wave of anxiety, you seem to understand exactly what's happening, don't let it take over again, you do not have a serious illness, it is just anxiety rearing it's ugly head again, have a nice bath, watch some tv or read a book, tommorow you will be fine. take care and keep in touch.

14-04-05, 19:27
Do a quick self check,

sleep , food, PMT, water, thoughts and worries, exercise and relaxation.

It is habit for your body to have waves of anxiety and although they will subside it won't be overnight - so having a blip like this does not indicate that anything is wrong at all.

Do not linger or dwell on it - manage it - as you have learn to manage the previous ones and move on with your day . As soon as you give it energy by thinking about it, it will stay with you in the front of your mind.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

14-04-05, 19:35
hi turtle,

really strange you post this today as its a smililar day to mine. been great for 3 -4 weeks even gonna post a success story last night and today...mm....not quite right. but its nowhere near as bad as it once was, i know its just a blip and it will pass and I know as the days and weeks go by it gets less and less.........

what you should think about is just how well uve done, in fact give yourself a huge pat on the back and right this day off as not a good one, there will be million and million around the world tonight feeling like us, not much comfort i know but it helps put things into perspective.......and its just a blip......

lol...reading the bit about were you just kidding yourself about being better made me smile as about 20 mins ago i had the exact same thought........but look at that thought...its just a worry.......

take care and i have loved your post as i feel like that today but it certianly doesnt mean i intend to feel like that tommorow.....but i do then so what im not gonna stop trying to have some fun!!!


14-04-05, 20:43
hi turtle

sorry the dreaded IT got you again but i agree with meg do some self tests and relax it is JUST habbit and the more attention you give to IT the worst the circle will become .

Try to look at it as just another attempt by your condition to get the better of you ....more importantly focus on the GOOD things that you have achieved.


14-04-05, 21:01
Hi Turtle
Sorry to hear you haven't had such a great day. The best thing to do is keep thinking positively and that you've had a good few weeks and that today was just a hiccup. You know you can do it so you will again :D.
Take care

15-04-05, 02:47
Hi Turtle

Sorry it hasnt being a good day. I can be like you and wake up feel fine, not thinking of something then suddenly i hit this brick wall of anxiety and however i try to dismiss it it wont go without a fight. Nothing has happened to promt it at all it just arrives and i have to deal with it so know just how you feel.

It would be easier to understand if someone had upset you or said something but i know with me i cant relate it to anything.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

15-04-05, 18:22
Hi Everyone

Just wanted to say I have been very proud of myself today. After yesterday's little 'blip' it would have been so easy for me to have given in to it all again (which I'm guilty of doing before) but I didn't. I went to work, and although I was as nervous as anything, I faced the day and any challenges that were going to hit me. I had an awful night's sleep, barely sleep at all really, with my mind racing and feeling hot and restless but even that didn't stop me. All the time I was at work I just kept remembering to breath whilst thinking 'this isn't going to get the better of me again. I'm the one in control of it, not the other way round.' And it worked! I'm so pleased with myself. It might seem like only a little thing, but when you consider only 2 weeks ago the very thought of going ANYWHERE, let alone work, would have been enough to send me into a blind panic, I've come a long way. The feelings have been there (and they still are to a certain extent) but I'm controlling them. They're not controlling me.
Thanks for all your words of help and support guys, they really did help.
A very happy

15-04-05, 18:34

what can i say but well done!!! big big pat on the back...remember how you got over the blip,,,if you get another just think...well its happened before but i know i can handle this.

totally the right attitude you showed today and that attitude is the road to recovery.

brought a smile to my face as i know how bad the blips can feel but isnt it great to know they are just blips?? and that normality can return the next day.......

well done again.


15-04-05, 20:23
Hi Turtle

Well done for managing. Anxiety does creep up on us like that. It can have no logical explanation and have no pattern but there is usually a trigger deep down. A dream, a thought something so unobvious that we dont see it. But I do agree with doddy it is just a thought. Let it go and carry on. Remember your breathing and carry some rescue remedy with you which is fab when you feel like that and some aconite.

take care and well done for not letting it take control again


15-04-05, 20:30
Hi Turtle,
you should be proud of yourself, as you say 2 weeks ago things were a little different, but you have seen how you can be in control rather than the panic. Keep at it, take it eay and keep in touch. Well done you!

15-04-05, 22:36
Hurrah - Good for you .

You have done all of the exact right things and it paid off.

You have learnt for another time how to not let one incident ruin a good recovery period..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...