View Full Version : citalopram

07-06-08, 16:07
Hi - I have been on citalopram for 5 days (l0 mg) for depression and anxiety following an extremely stressful year - my sleep has gone out of the window and I feel really dreadful - how long can I expect the side effects to last and then how long before the benefits kick in. Would really appreciate some positive replies. Thany you ... Kate44

eternally optimistic
07-06-08, 18:30
Hi Kate

The Doctors say that usually tablets start to work after 2 weeks.

I am on citalopram and have been since last August.

I personally have found that they have progressed many things at different period of times throughout taking the treatment.

I had the restlessness for quite a while, probably a few months. Having said that, I felt so much more better from taking them that went by the by.

I now know that my body was so very tired, and had been for a very very long time. I am sure it has given it the opportunity to catch up and feel reasonably normal.

Try and stay with them as I am sure you will reap the benefits.

Bye Kate


08-06-08, 00:38
Hiya Kate,

For me I think it was few weeks before I started feeling the benfits.

How are you finding the citalopram so far?

Take Care xx

08-06-08, 12:19
Hiya Kate :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
your meds can take up to six weeks to kick in so stick with them and see how they go. If you find that any of the side effects are to much to cope with during this time do go back and have a word with your doc about it.
hope to talk to you soon.

take care. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


08-06-08, 12:21
Hi Kate,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

milly jones
08-06-08, 20:53
:welcome: to nmp

im on citalopram and when my dose was increased to 30mg my sleep pattern improved.

milly xxx

08-06-08, 21:46
Hi Kate

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

08-06-08, 22:36
Hi Kate and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. When I went on citalopram it took about 4-5 weeks before I felt better but I was on 20 mg. There is also a subforum about citalopram in the medication forum which you mgiht find useful.

Take care,

Mike :)

10-06-08, 01:01
Hi all

I've been taking citalopram since march, 3 months in total, 2 weeks on 10mg, 6 weeks on 20mg and the last 4 weeks on 30mg. They are working well for me now but I don't want to be on these for too long. I would love to have another child (already have a wonderful 6 year old son) and would be hoping to come off this med at the end of the summer. Can anybody tell me any positive stories of withdrawing from citalopram? while I am aware that there are withdrawal effects I am hoping that they do not compare to the side-effects first felt when beginning citalopram. I am also really hoping that depression won't return when I come off them. Thank you, love and lightxxxxxxxx ashaxx:shades: