View Full Version : Compassion

07-06-08, 16:21
One of the biggest things that separate people from animals, is their ability to show compassion. The greater the compassion, the more highly evolved a person is. Now one thing that really gets my goat is people who show no compassion to other people. These people to me, are at the very low end of the human race. I really hate them, I think they are a destructive force in society, and make life worse for the rest of us. The reason I had to spout this is because I witnessed such callus event today, and it really sickened me.


Cathy V
07-06-08, 20:10
Hi Tom, what happened?
Cathy xxx

08-06-08, 00:26
Hi Tom,
Just reading your message made me think of work and how some of the managers treat people, it is really awful.
You get to the point where you wonder where has the humanity in these people gone, that is if they ever had any in the first place.
What was the event you witnessed?
Hope you are ok x