View Full Version : Toothache and Sore Gums

07-06-08, 21:59
I have had a bit of toothache for a while off and on, and my gums always bleed round a couple of my teeth when brushing. I was good and had my 6 month check up this week and raised both with him. He said it was OK and didn't seem concerned.
BUT I am getting this toothache or pain in my jaw and of course my mind is off on one thinking there is something more going on and he being a dentist wouldn't know that? My gums are tender and I think the pain is coming from there? They just feel a bit swollen on that side, I am guilty for brushing too hard which he said has caused my gum to be a bit higher.
I shall go back if it doesn't improve but thought he would have noticed something going on, hence me thinking its more than that...
can anyone help???!


07-06-08, 23:13
Hi Petmad,

Bleeding gums is something I suffer from now and again. Because of overcrowding (teeth) I have difficulty in brushing effectively. Therefore, I visit my dentist every 3 instead of 6 months. Do you use dental floss? If not, you will be surprised the amount of 'debris' flossing removes from places that the toothbrush can't reach regardless of how long or often you brush. I was told by my dentist that the reason for bleeding can be due to infection around the gum and tooth root which can be prevented by flossing. You will also find that using a mouthwash such as Corsodyl (check spelling) will also prevent this as is specially suited for bleeding gums. You can also now buy Corsodyl Daily for regular use. Should your discomfort and concern continue, I suggest you ask your dentist for x-rays of the area to rule out any approaching decay or infection. If you use floss for the first time, you may find that this will cause some bleeding as you are doing so. Please do not let this alarm you. You will find that after using the mouthwash, this will stop almost immedately.

Good luck.


08-06-08, 01:30
Hi Petmad,:)

Just wanted to let you know that I had a similar experience with my teeth/gums some months ago. My gums were tender around a few teeth and it came and went for ages.

I totally agree with Kevin on the flossing - When I went to the dentist for a check-up he said that I should floss everyday. When I started flossing everyday the gums went back to normal again.:yesyes:

Also, just wondering have you any wisdom teeth coming up? I think that this added to my gums flaring up & general pain in my teeth.

All the best xx :bighug1:

08-06-08, 06:41
The other month my top gum seemed to be quite sore and as we have a terrible shortage of dentists around here (although I go to the clinic dentist for wimps) and I have crowns at the front I was worried in case these became loose.

My best friend is a trained dental nurse and she mentioned Corsydol but I also read on a site for sore gums that using Mentadent P really helps.

I think it has helped as I don't seem to be as aware of my crowns as I was before (if that makes sense)

08-06-08, 10:00
Hi all

Thanks for all your support.
Firstly my dentist is a very good one, very gentle and thorough and not the sort to do things if not essential, so I am happy that he is right, although he knows me a wimp!
I will certainly try that mouth wash as I feel maybe brushing twice a day is making it worse so if I use a mouthwash in the morning it will ease my gums a bit. I use an electric toothbrush and have to admit I change the heads much more often than my hubby. He rarely changes the heads but mine is always well sprayed out!
If it doesn't improve I shall ask for an x-ray maybe. But hopefully the mouthwash will help, I have flossed before which makes them bleed.
Not sure if the tender gums would cause the aching or not? probably would I guess?
thanks again!


08-06-08, 10:04
Hi all

Thanks for all your support.
Firstly my dentist is a very good one, very gentle and thorough and not the sort to do things if not essential, so I am happy that he is right, although he knows me a wimp!
I will certainly try that mouth wash as I feel maybe brushing twice a day is making it worse so if I use a mouthwash in the morning it will ease my gums a bit. I use an electric toothbrush and have to admit I change the heads much more often than my hubby. He rarely changes the heads but mine is always well sprayed out!
If it doesn't improve I shall ask for an x-ray maybe. But hopefully the mouthwash will help, I have flossed before which makes them bleed.
Not sure if the tender gums would cause the aching or not? probably would I guess?
thanks again!


Why don't you try a soft tooth brush (I use one for tiny children, the handle is a bit :blush: but who cares).

08-06-08, 21:37
:D Corsodyl is very good i use it and it has helped a lot.

Mandy x:yesyes:

31-05-15, 22:57
Occasionally, your gums or teeth may start to feel slightly sore due to various causes. For example, something sharp may have pricked the gum tissue, causing slight pain whenever you eat or try to talk. Luckily, gum tissues tend to naturally heal themselves within a few days unless you are dealing with an extreme condition. Here are some ways you can deal with sore gums or teeth at home.