View Full Version : Non-anxious anxiety?

14-04-05, 20:44
Hi all,

I had a good day today with no feelings of anxiety and no high heart rate -- first day in 2 weeks since it started!

However, I still had minor chest pain earlier in the day, but more upsettingly througout the day I've had a tight/churning stomach. Just now a very painful wave hit my stomach which sent me running for the loo..... Feel better now but still a bit bloated (and I can feel my heart beat strongly in my stomach too as usual :)

Is it common to have the 'other' symptoms of anxiety on their own without the obvious ones?

Hope everyone else is having a good day too :D


14-04-05, 20:55
Hi Craig
Good to hear you had a fairly good day :D. I definately think that with anxiety you can either have loads of symptoms or just the one. It affects people in different ways.
I think there's a few people on here recently saying they've had upset stomachs, possible that there is a bug going round.
Take care

14-04-05, 22:24
hi craig,
great to hear you had a good day!
i think that anxiety sufferers can experience all sorts of combinations of symptoms - it just depends on the day, i think.
try and focus on how good you feel about not having had a high heart rate etc and congratulate yourself for feeling better and for not having had your main symptoms today.
hope tomorrow is a good day too!
henri x

15-04-05, 08:43
i agree with the other posts, i too believe you dont have to have all the symptoms all of the time, sometimes even one or 2 or even just being in a irritable fed up mood. things do get better though just a case of understanding and learning the best way to cope and make you feel better.[8D]

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx