View Full Version : Being hungover is HELL

08-06-08, 20:21
So i drank way to much last night and now i feel like im going ot hve a panic attack and die it sucks so bad:( i try not to drink but its hard!! :huh:

08-06-08, 21:13
Hi Butterfly,

Make sure you drink lots of Fizzy juice if possible, this should bring your sugar levals back up and stop the shaking.

Don't beat yourself up over it. We have all been there!!

Love Lisa

08-06-08, 23:17
Hi, I don't drink myself but my boyfriend says if you drink the same quantity of water as you did of alcohol before going to bed you'll feel fresh in the morning. He swears by it....!

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
08-06-08, 23:35
If I drunk the same amount of water as alcohol I would probs burst my bladder!
Hi Butterfly, if you need to talk about drinking, drop me a line, as they say been there bought the t-shirt, going for detox on Wednesday, so I know about it!


08-06-08, 23:59
:rolleyes: ahhh the days of bad hangovers......think thats why i dont drink anymore as i couldnt cope with them lol :) i just dont find it worth it.

hope you feel better soon x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
09-06-08, 00:12
Hi Karen,
No its not worth it, but sometimes when you get to a stage of drinking at 8 in the morning to stop the shakes its not quite as cut and dry as "not worth it"

JUst curious to what stage the original poster is at with drinking, is it just gone out on a Saturday Night and binged drank, and feel like crap ,or is it more serious?

Agraphobia and anxiety and drinking are quite connected, whether being drinking that caused it, or drinking so you have the balls to walk out the front door!

Take care,


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
09-06-08, 09:03
Hi Kaz,
Sorry to hear you are down at the moment, I certainly know how that feels, If you want to talk about the drinking PM me, I can't start the Day without a drink at the moment, 9 Weeks ago I went to my GP asking for help, This Wednesday I am going into Hospital for 8 Days for detox, its not a nice stage to get to.
I am going to give up smoking too.

Once you get to a certain stage drinking its a crappy position to be in, takes over your life.

I have also lost weight, a couple of Years ago I was 11 stone, now 9 stone 6, and falling all the time.

I can't eat until lunchtime, and I certainly can't sleep without a few drinks, basicly at the moment I drink all Day!

Take care,


09-06-08, 09:49
hey wayne hope i havent annoyed you in any way, for me hangovers were caused by a night out with the girls every others week, wich ended up with me being sick as a dog and ill for a few days thats why i said it aint worth it, and because that is my situation i guess i just assumed that was the same for the OP but i never thought of people for whom drinking may be a problem for, my late brother used to always drink and saw him many days shaking cause he needed a drink, he drank to give him more confidence if you know what i mean, my father was an alchoholic too.

good luck with your detox, hope it goes ok , karen x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
09-06-08, 10:13
Hi Karen,
No, you have not annoyed me at all, dont be daft.
I am just here if anyone needs to talk about this subject as I know all about it! LOL
Katie's Dad died from it at age 47, my Mum and step Dad drunk every Night,

As I said on a previos post, there can be many ingredients in the mixing bowl to become an alcoholic, if you just go out on a weekend with friends and get p****d, nothing wrong with that, its when it becomes every Day and even worse needing a drink in the morning when it gets a problem.
Yes shaking is bad for me, sometimes in the morning when I wake up the bed near enough vibrates from me shaking, its really bad!

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10-06-08, 01:19
thanks everyone, yeah it sucks not being able ot enjoy drinking like all my other friends (afterwards) they never get hungover!

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
10-06-08, 07:49
I've been suffering from hangovers for Years!!!

but I think its a different kind of hangover for someone who drinks every now and then to some one at the stage I am at.
This is the last Day of drinking for me, well may have to have a couple before going to the Hospital also probs a diazapam.
This is the first time in my life that I need to stay in a Hospital (I'm 37) The thing with anxiety is the fear of the unknown! I'm sure many can relate to that.
