View Full Version : Big decision - by tomorrow!

08-06-08, 21:06
Hi All

Some you might recall that I've been looking for somewhere cheaper to move to for some time. Well I've finally seen somewhere I like. It's just down the road from where I live now - a bit closer to town which is not necessarily a good thing for me as I like peace and quiet - but it is back from the road and seems fairly quiet.

I have been to see it twice. It is clean and modern. The managing agent seems friendly and it seems well managed. It has parking and it's quite a lot cheaper than here BUT it's a studio flat so it means going back to living alone again whereas I've had someone staying with me since before I went into hospital.

The decision to move is inevitable really due to financial reasons and I've been looking for somewhere like this for well over a year and this arrangement of someone staying with me was only ever meant to be a temporary arrangement. However, it has suited us both for different reasons and I feel kind of nervous about coping alone again after so long.

I have been struggling with my eating disorder issues recently and although at present I am physically at a healthy weight, I have other physical problems and I am at a bit of a crossroads with my eating disorder and I am worried that the balance could tip either way. I'm a bit nervous about which way it might go :unsure:

This is such a big decision and the timing isn't perfect but the accommodation I've found is almost ideal and doesn't come available very often in this area and I cannot really afford to turn it down It is just a major life change for me.

But the real complication is that I have to make a decision by tomorrow morning and although I am pretty sure I have to go for it and I did used to cope living alone I still have some doubts :shrug:

Karen xx

08-06-08, 21:19
Hi Karen

It sounds like an offer to snap up hun!! You'll still have your friends close by and the flat sounds in a good place!!

Hope it all goes well for you!!

Love and luck

08-06-08, 21:35
Karen Hunny,
I cannot advise, only you know what is best.:shrug: I wish you luck with your decision though:hugs:

09-06-08, 00:05
Thank you Lisa :hugs: It looks like I am going for it but I'm just a bit nervous and worried having not had to cope on my own for so long now. Even before these past 7 or so months when my illness deteriorated, I had a friend staying with me for part of the week and that won't be possible where I am moving to so I don't know what will happen with that friendship.

I do have another friend who lives close and I'll still be able to see her thankfully so I won't be completely alone.

Thanks Happyone :hugs: It is my decision it is true. I'm very indecisive at times - I wish I didn't have to take responsibility for myself with things like this. It's one reason I ended up in a financial mess in the first place :blush:

Karen xx

Granny Primark
09-06-08, 09:18
Hi karen,
Im sure that whatever decision you make will be the right one.
Perhaps its time for a challenge now.
Ive always been a firm believer that things happen for a reason.
Heres wishing you loads of luck in whatever you decide to do.

Loads of love

09-06-08, 12:00
Hi Karen

Could you maybe get like a little camp bed or something similar!? that way you will have have the option to have a friend to stay over now and again.

I really hope all is going well for you today!

Love Lisa