View Full Version : Lumps on back of skull

08-06-08, 21:13
as some of you will know i already have an anxiety over a brain tumor but lately its getting worse. 3 months ago i had a ct scan which was clear but for the last couple of weeks i have been getting strange symptoms that werent there when i had my scan such as hearing loss, pins and needles in left hand and a morning headache which doesnt hurt but feels like pressure on the back of my head. The last few days i have noticed i have 2 hard lumps on the back of my head where the skull starts to open to meet the neck, just either side of this opening. I have never noticed them before and i am certain they werent there when i had my scan. Now i know they are there i cant stop touching them. They are like little hard peas which kind of hurt when i press down. I havent been back to the doctors about this because they refused a second ct scan a month ago and i know they will says its my anxiety but im fairly certain its not. What should i do i am scared senseless someone mentioned a blood clot before and i am freaked out

08-06-08, 21:19

Try not to worry too much hun, a clear scan is great, unfortunately anxiety gives us all strange and worrying symptoms. Everybody has the lumps on the back of the head, and if you poke and prod they will hurt. Health Anxiety is a terrible thing, no sooner do we feel ok about one thing something else appears. Try and get some books from the library re anxiety and keep looking on this site, it will all make sense soon, also look on the symptoms list, I was very anxious on Friday and looked at this, Nicola whom runs the site seems to update this very regularly, some strange symtoms I get were even listed on here and I hadn't told a soul about them as I was worried that they were the signs of something very serious so sadly anxiety is more common than we think.

Hope things settle down for you soon.:hugs:

08-06-08, 22:07
Well even if you have lumps on your head that you can feel they are not going to be a brain tumour. Just because you haven't noticed them before doesn't mean they were not there before.

Forget about them, forget about your head. I do have a brain tumour and I don't really think about it. You must try and get rid of these feelings they are making you ill.:flowers:

09-06-08, 15:11
Hi hun,

Its great to hear your scan was all clear. I know its dame hard for you NOT to worry, but hun, your feeding your anxiety. I had a lump the size of a pea a couple of years ago. I was in Madrid on a hen weekend, with my niece, she is a nurse. I am lucky I have never suffered health anxiety, but asked her what it was. It was just above my hair line by my neck.

She told me it was bloked sweat glands, that a friend of hers had the same thing, in a couple of days it will go, hehe, IT DID. Sooo, you are right hun, its not anxiety, BUT, Mrs anxiety is playing with your thoughts, DON'T let her do this to you hun, please.

I do know how hard it is not to worry, when I was acute I found lumps on the top of my head, ohhh for goodness sake, they have been there all my life, but, Mrs anxiety had a field day with me, my thoughts where all over the place.

Also I found a hard lump by my coller bone, mmm, it never moved, it was sooo hard, I had never noticed it before. I did go to the gp on this one, who sent me to the hospital. Ohhh boy, yet again, I have had this all my life and NEVER even noticed it, but Mrs anxiety did, (hence me getting in checked out ) its a cervical rib bone. I was born with it. Blimely, Mrs anxiety does play with us.

I hope these replies have reasured you hun, please be kind to yourself, DON'T keep poking at them, if you mess with something for along time, it will be sore.



26-06-08, 13:27
Hmm this sounds a bit like something I have. I have two only on th left of my skull, same place as yours by the sound of it. Sometimes mine get bigger and go back down. Sometimes they feel like they have a little head on them like they have something coming out of them (sorry that sounds gross). I have never found out what they are. Thought perhaps a sebacious cyst but my worry was swollen glands. They are really hard and never go away completly.

26-06-08, 13:54
what you saying is you wouldnt feel a brain tumour through your head