View Full Version : 30y/o male, need feedback from this please

09-06-08, 09:31
Apologies for posting in the introduce forum as well. I saw that one first.

Well, I guess google drew me to this place after an episode that I had today. First let me give you a history of related things. I used to be a heavy drinker but have recently quit drinking completely because of many reasons, mainly because I'm getting older and want to preserve my life from here on out. About two years ago, I would occasionally have this really bad tightening of my chest that would last for about 10 minutes or so and then pass. I would say this happened about 3 times by itself. I never really seeked medical help because other than the pain, I didnt have any other symptoms. Then, around the same time period, I would wake up in the middle of the night and feel as if I was out of it, not in control of my body, or just a general spacy feeling. Thats the best I can do to descibe it. These episodes led me to the doctor where I described both of those things. After blood tests and an xray of my chest, the best he could determine was that I was allergic to something. I came to the conclusion myself that it was probably my pillows because they were extremely old and were never washed. They also rarely had pillow cases on them. Now, I keep everything I sleep with either washed or new and that has cut down on the majority of symptoms. Well, I would guess about a year ago I experienced what I would consider a panic attack. I was running a musical (im a sound engineer), and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to be sick and needed to sit down. I felt a sense of dread and was sweating a little bit as well. It was very shocking to me and that probably added to it. Nothing had really happened since then until tonight. I was playing poker in a local casino and all of a sudden I started yawning a lot. This led to the feeling of not getting enough air in my lungs. I started sweating in my palms and brow a little bit. I had to get up to go the bathroom and felt slightly unbalanced. I had been drinking caffeinated drinks all afternoon and was exposed to cigarette smoke. I also had a sandwhich that made me burp quite a bit. Those are the only factors that I can think of that might have led to this. I eventually just got a bottle of water and drove home. The episode probably lasted 15 minutes total. Also, 3 weeks ago I made a cross country drive to where I am now in order to work. It took me about 3 days to get here. While here, I began to have diarrhea consistantly...then a major episode that lasted about 4 hours one night where I couldnt get off the toilet. A doctors visit revealed no bugs or worms or anything and only an over abundance of naturally occuring bacteria (im not sure what he called it) I was prescribed two hardcore antibiotics (metro-something or other and cipro) and now I am pretty normal in the bathroom regard. Anyway...I'm just trying to piece this puzzle together and sorry for rambling. I do have fears of deadly illness and the unknown after death, which I think about all of the time. I just want to try my best to avoid whatever it is that makes me panic. I honestly dont feel like my life is stressful, but maybe Im just in denial. Thanks for any feedback you can give me.


milly jones
09-06-08, 15:44
hi chad i answered ur other post

just didnt want u to feel this had been ignored

milly xx

09-06-08, 20:29
Chad..do describe my panic attacks i would say..usally from excessive worrying or out of the middle of nowhere i will get a rush of "terror" over my body and mind.. my IMEDIATE THOUGH is im gonna die.. if that is how you feel during your epsoides it sounds like a panic attack..but only your doctor could tell you for sure what it is. i do not get diarraha from anxity or panic attacks..but i had my gull bladder taken out so that department isnt as it should be anyway. I hope you you feel better

09-06-08, 20:48

I do not know if the diarrhea was related or not. It is completely possible that it contributed to my anxiety though considering that I never really understood what was wrong with me nor do I know why it happened to this day. The feeling I got yesterday wasn't necessarily death, but it was an intense fear that something was really wrong and that I might go into a seizure/pass out...something like that while in front of people. Also, prior to that, I had a big argument with my girlfriend over the phone. Basically I am across the country from her and she feels alone and it brought me down because I am stuck here with no way to really help, and I got fired up over that. Although I thought I may have calmed down, it was a short time later that the yawning/sweating/etc. started happening. Thanks for all of your help!


10-06-08, 06:02
yeah passing out is a really big fear of mine too. maybe if you take caffine and as much sugar out of your diet as you can that may help. excersizing helps. and i have heard taking Omega-3 suppliments helps..i am taking them although i dont quite know if they really do anything or not