View Full Version : really bad cold and anxiety... help!

15-04-05, 09:52
hey everyone,
i've got a really terrible cold at the moment, plus sore throat and have completely lost my voice. for anyone else, it would just be a bad cold, but for me it is a total nightmare. last night i couldn't sleep for thinking things like "am i still breathing?" "what if my sinuses are so blocked that my throat closes up?" etc etc.
then, last night, my boyfriend bought me this cough medicine that i'd never heard of before from the chemist's - i spent ages thinking about whether or not to take it, even asked nic and meg's advice, and ended up taking the cough medicine (against their better judgement - really sorry!) - spent the night worrying about all the side-effects mentioned on the bottle.
anyway, sorry to ramble on. my throat is just so painful it's making me panicky and i'm struggling. i think it's just also that thing of feeling like it's been one thing after the other - i never seem to just have a few days of feeling 'normal'. my cold's just got worse all week and it feels like it's never going to go away - it's freaking me out.
well, i feel a bit better for getting all that off my chest!
henri x

15-04-05, 10:36
Hi Henri

Sorry to hear you 're having a bad time. I can relate to what you re going thru. I had flu in January , which of course made the anxiety worse. I was thinking " there s no way i am going to feel better". But I did! And so can you!
Hang in there, you 'll be better soon, for your throat, maybe you could try to gargle with soluble aspirin, usually helps with the pain, and no side effect!
Take care.

Florence. x

**See the world more as what it is, less as what you are.**

15-04-05, 10:57
You took it and are still fine so you can continue to take it to help you get over the cold.

Steam, vit C, plenty of fluids, rest, euclyptus oil and a bit of time passing to allow the natural progression of the illness and you'll be right in no time.

Our bodies are designed to protect and heal us and with things like colds it does a great job.

Perhaps ask your CBT to do a session on this at some stage.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

15-04-05, 12:36
hi henri

sorry to hear u have a bad cold i had that not long ago it lasted 2wks with a sore throat and cough aswell and anxiety. I was in bed for nearly a week ended up goin to docs for antibiotics they really cleared my cough up but not the cold as much i felt run down thats why it lasted so long. Anyway i hope u feel better real soon and don't worry to much it will go as soon as your nose starts to get unblocked its a sign its going like mine did.

take care

lin xx

15-04-05, 15:38
Hi Henri. Sorry u don’t feel to good, but most of the reason you don’t feel good is you frightening you? I don’t know what meds you are on but believe me it takes a bit more than a bit of cough medicine to make you Ill unless of course you are allergic to any of the ingredient, which is so rare and even then it dos not become a big problem. There are so many people out there abuse their body much more than that over long periods of time too. I used to when younger take antidepressants. Together with vallium. Much higher doses than I was prescribed, drank lots of alcohol and also took paracetamol or any other painkiller then when hung over. I also took large amounts of vallim with my alcohol when I couldn’t afford to drink. I am not saying this is right because it must do the body bad and I now don’t drink or take tranx. But just stating a bit of over the counter meds when you are not feeling well shouldn’t do you any harm. I suppose had you not been an anxiety sufferer you would take the meds without thinking twice. Take care.Vernon

15-04-05, 20:18
Hi Henri

Sorry you are having a tough time with your cold. I know that when I had a bad cold recently I thought oh my word something else I cannot cope with. And all I thought was it is just a simple cold. Try taking hot water with lemon and honey and also like Meg says plenty of Vit c. Also try echinacea which a homeopathic remedy that you can get in tesco or most pharmacies. This boosts the immune system. If you can get Vit C with zinc as this is better. And definately lots of fluids(and not alchohol ha ha). Although it would definately help you sleep.

Anyway hope you feel better soon mate

Take care


16-04-05, 18:31
thanks for your replies everyone, i really appreciate it, as i was freaking out a bit yesteray.
i'm feeling a little better today and i think the cold's getting better. i'm just going to stay in bed until it goes away!
henri x

16-04-05, 18:41

Colds are hoorid things cos we feel like we can't breathe and then we get panicky!!

Gald you are feeling a bit better today though. It will soon be gone mate


16-04-05, 18:53
On the mend then Henri ...

Hope you're back to normal soon.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

16-04-05, 23:01
Glad you're feeling a bit better Henri.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.