View Full Version : Heart Murmur - feeling alone!!

Nicola Cook
09-06-08, 10:30
Hi all,

I can see from some old postings that there are others on the forum with Heart Murmurs, so maybe you can offer reassurance. Mine was diagnosed when I was quite little, but my mother never told me until I was older, which I think made it more scary.

I had an ECG and ultrasound about 10 years ago and it didn't really show anything up apart from a slight thickening which my doc says is nothing to worry about. However, the cardiologist 'clinically' diagnosed a Ventricular Septal Defect (some type of hole, I think!) although as I understand it there was nothing visible on the scan. I have to take antibiotics every time I have dental treatment, this in itself is OK but I am just so scared of the implications of the heart thing. This sounds like such a dangerous thing to have and I just get in such a state everytime I get dental problems.

I've started doing more exercise which my doc says is OK, but I spend so much tme worrying that exercise is dangerous.



09-06-08, 10:42
Hi Nicola.
I think that your worry is perfectely normal (although this doesn't help the problem of course)! A lot of people go through life with a heart murmur and lead perfectely normal lives. My cousin has had one for many years and does deep sea diving as a hobby. I think that the old saying of 'What we don't know, we don't worry about' is very true, but in your case, you DO know and being as you suffer from anxiety, your stress regarding this is magnified!

If your doctor has said it's OK to excercise then fine. Providing you don't overdo things, I'm sure you will only benefit. Perhaps it would be a good idea if you were to see a specialist and tell them of your concern? Lay the cards on the table and ask them what happens etc. What are the limitations (if any).
So on and so on.


09-06-08, 11:28
Mine was found when I was pregant 22 years ago and I have to say it hasn't worried me in all those years - infact I'm not even sure if I still have it as my doc couldnt hear it the last time he was listening.

Like you I too have to take antibiotics before my dental treatment and thats the only time I get reminded about it really.

Put it to one side hun - cos it would be a shame to keep worrying uneccessarily! :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

09-06-08, 12:58
Hi there,

My grandad is nearly 91 and he's had a heart murmur all his life and although he has health problems, his heart is healthy and he has low blood pressure.

Hope this reassures you,
siobhan x

09-06-08, 14:17
I have a heart murmer too but I also have a lot of other things wrong with my ticker (this is just me, I am not saying this is the same for everyone with a heart murmer) & the doc says they is no reason at all for me not to go the gym, swim & live a perfectly normal life. Ok, so I can't go bungee jumping or jump out of a plane (not like I would want to anyway) but everything else is ok. Only thing is, it effects me too & I get worried about excersising. So, they suggested for me to wear one of those heart rate moniter watches (think argos sell them) so then, I have a little bit of control of how fast my heart is going. They said they can be unpredicatiable but they are quite good at keeping your mind at rest. Hope you can find a way of getting though this & let me know how you get on. PM if you want to talk about heart probs or anything. xxxx