View Full Version : bad thoughts

09-06-08, 11:06
I read a book about bad thoughts yesterday and it caused a trigger, an thinking about things I though 40 years ago!!! and trying to analise them have googled to to make sure I am not mad am assured I am not but thoughts just won't stop. I can't get on with my work today feeling very bad am terrible bad person:weep:

09-06-08, 11:17
Lesley - you are not a bad person....

Thoughts are only thoughts. They are in our heads because we are aware of them NOT because we would act on them. There is a very big difference.

I asked my therapist about this cos' I get bad thoughts and therefore think I am the worst person in the world. But the fact you can recognise bad from the good actually shows you are a decent person.

Hugs xxxx you are really not alone in this at all

09-06-08, 15:31
I know my therapist told me this ,but sometimes it gets too bad to bear.It wasn't a thought 40years ago it was something I did and can't get it out of my mind, it didn't hurt anybody and nobody knows about it. I know we shouldn't live in the past but reading this dam book has stired up some strange memories that I would rather forget. As you say I recognise bad from good so I should be ok, why does it still get to me?:unsure:

09-06-08, 15:58
It gets you cos' we dwell on our negatives too much... I do that ... think of stuff I did decades ago that was horrible/nasty. But that is how we learn as humans - from our errors. We know what is good cos' we recognise what is bad.

You can draw a line under it - accept you did it. But it's very unlikely you'll do it again so therefore a lesson learnt.

I bet you don't go dwelling on the lovely things you've done... e.g the time you spent too long talking to that elderly person when you should have been doing other stuff but you made their day.. or smiling at the lonely person when you caught their eye walking down the street.

We never remember the positive things we have done.

If I sound harsh my apologies Lesley - it's just cos' I see myself doing this and it is sooooo wrong and such a waste of time. xxx

09-06-08, 19:53
You're right we don't remember the positives, and when I feel down I can't remember any , can't think of 1 now. I just have to accept it and move on I will try.No you wern't being harsh by the way just glad you replied. thanks Samc100:yesyes: