View Full Version : Another of Samira's moans

09-06-08, 11:22
Just really low because I don't seem to get any better and I really do try.
I seemed to hit rock bottom a couple of weeks ago, I was just floored with distress and emotion and literally cried all day, I couldn't stop. I couldn't concentrate on anything, I could hardly eat, I felt terrible, distressed, frightened, ill. I went to the doctor...he wasn't very sympathetic, but I got back on my meds and seemed to pick up slightly, although I was still in a bit of a state. I managed to calm down a little and eat a bit more, although I am still a bit underweight. I really really tried, even though every meal is a battle because I just don't feel like eating.
As I say, I had a slightly better week and I started to think about returning to work, not full time but just the odd day here and there. Apart from anything else, I've run out of money! So I planned to go in today, not working as such, just getting the feel of being back and trying to banish the memory of the panic attack I had there last time I went. But I woke up this morning and lo and behold, it was all there, the dry mouth, the banging heart, the dizziness, the attacks of diarrhoea. I know I won't get better overnight but this just seems cruel. It's twenty past eleven and I still haven't got anything done, I'm in too much of a state, my hands are shaking.
Sorry to moan on again, just feel dreadful. x

09-06-08, 11:23
aw honey, I feel for you I really do. Has the doc ever refered you to CPN nurses to try CBT? XXX

09-06-08, 11:30
No...I've been told I'm not 'priority' enough for an NHS referral, for which there's a 18 month waiting list in any event. My only option is to go private, which isn't an option at the moment for financial reasons. It's not covered by my medical insurance either. So I'm a bit stuck really. Thanks Jane, we're a right pair, aren't we! xxx

09-06-08, 16:19
thats mad they is an 18mth waiting list. where do you live? I am in west yorks & last time I got refered was 3 mths & I thought that was a long time! I shall let you know how my hypnotherapy session goes on weds, maybe thats something for you to try too. Plus my mum's next door neighbour is doing reiki at the min & says she will do it for me for free cos she needs to practise so maybe thats something for you to try too. xxx

09-06-08, 19:09
I'm in Grimsby. I know, I was surprised at how long the wait is, not least because I had NHS counselling before, after a miscarriage, and my appointment came through almost immediately, within a couple of weeks. It makes me wonder if they have some sort of priority system. The irony is that I didn't really need help as much then as I do now. x