View Full Version : I can't do this

09-06-08, 11:54
I suffer from anxiety and separation anxiety. My anxiety is getting a lot worse, even when at home at the weekend with my husband (when I normally feel a lot better). I'm getting so fed up by it and finding it so hard. I just feel like I can't do this anymore, I mean I know I will go on like this, but it's becoming unbearable. It's really getting me down, everything seems such a battle. I work part-time but am feeling too anxious to go in, which then leaves me feeling like a failure. I'm so fed up of being like this.

09-06-08, 12:22
Hi lkenny,

Sorry to hear you are having a tought time at the mo. Anxiety is like a battle and there are times when it all gets too much, I know it is easy to say it will get better - but it will and while it won't be easy you can get through this.

Are you accessing any help at the moment? You don't say if you are taking any medication but if not then it can give you the break you need so that you can look at other help and get things in perpective. Something positive to do would be to go see your GP and at least talk things through - there are lots of treatments out there.

Your not a failure either, if you haven't been able to go into work then it sounds like you need to have some fixed time off (2/3weeks). That way you won't be worrying about whether you will be able to go in on a day to day basis which i know can make the anixety much worse. I've been struggling with whether to get signed off for a few weeks as I feel I would be failing and letting people down, however I do just work in admin and no one will suffer/die/lose money etc if I'm not here. In end you have to look after yourself and thats the most important thing.

09-06-08, 12:28
Thanks lenor. It's good to know that other people are in similar situation re work. You're right, 2/3 weeks would give me time to get myself together, and like you say, would get rid of the worrying about going in from day to day.

I've had anxiety on and off for years, and been on and off various medications. I've just started trying homeopathy, as I thought it might help - still early days though!

I tried acupuncture as well a couple of months ago, but unfortunately this has made me anxiety increasingly worse (have posted a thread about this too). I don't know if this is a natural dip, or due to acupuncture.

Anyway, thanks for your reply. Nice to have support from someone who understands! :)

09-06-08, 12:56
Glad to be of help.

I find aromatherapy and yoga works well for me. I am trying to learn to meditate but am finding it very hard just to sit still!

I've had anxiety for years too and it does go up and down. The bad patches are always horrible but I get through them and carry on. At the time I hate them, wish there was a pill to make it all go away (medication is no magic cure) and end up exhausted, becoming insular and not being much fun to live with. I now can recognise when my anixety is getting worse and I go and get the help, well maybe not right away as I always think that I can deal with it at first on my own! But I don;t let it get too out of countrol now.

Keep with it and you always have poeple on here to chat to.