View Full Version : new appointment!!

15-04-05, 10:31
hi everyone,
my dads got his new appointment through for his heart bypass [triple], hes got to go in on the 21st april, but the thing worrying me is they might turn him away ,as last time he went to oxford for his check up,which was 9th feb this year, they told him he had to lose 2 stone before the op, hes only managed to lose half a stone,how do they expect someone to lose that much weight in that time, so thats why im worried they will turn him away, do you think they will do the op
worried sue:(

15-04-05, 11:02
Its a balance between being an anaethetic and surgical risk due to obesity and medical urgency in having the op.

He has made a good start and I agree its probably not realistic to lose all the 2 stone in under 3 months at 2 lbs a week which is the guidelines.

He can either just go and take that risk or ring the consultants secretary to discuss it . Often the making a good attempt is enough.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

15-04-05, 11:06
thanks meg,
i will get my dad to ring his consultant for a chat about it
luv sue x:)

15-04-05, 15:53
Hi sue, Hope all goes well for your Dad eather way. I realy feel for all our family and your Dad. I am waiting for just real small surgery and am to scared to go:( cancelled lots of times. I have a friend who had a tripple bypass op about 7 years ago, he seemed overwaight at the time but is real good now, and things have got much better with surgery even since 7 years ago. good luck. Vernon

15-04-05, 20:27
Hi Sue

I do hope that all goes well for your dad but can understand your concerns. My dad had heart surgery 11 yrs ago nearly he was being wheeled to theatre and they cancelled it . Poor thing had the pre med and everything. If they see that he is losing weight then it may be ok but as meg says they have to weigh up the pros and cons. It can be dangerous for someone over weight to have a GA. I hope that all goes ok for him as I know what a worry it is.

take care and try not to worry
